Old School Metal Album Cover On A New Band's Disc


24 Hours Ago...
Jan 2, 2005
City beneath the surface

Is it just me or does this cover really look like an 80s metal band's cover? Heck, it looks like a combination of Savatage covers to me! Maybe HOTMK and Handful of Rain.

I've heard of Trivium, but I don't have a clue what they sound like. It was just odd seeing this on the shelves at Target during my lunch break today!
Looks similar in a way to Virgin Steele's "Guardian of the FLame" record from the mid 80's.
Well, they are trying to cater to the 'real' metal fans this time around, not the mall core, emo clowns.

The disk has many old school thrash elements but it sounds fake and forced. At least imho.
I own this thing and I think it really rocks. Great new direction for Trivium. Very talented band with a bright future. Many times they remind of old Metallica on this album. They use a lot more vocal harmonies though. The guitar work is killer on this thing too. Trivium aren't the Bee's Knee's or anything but they are solid IMHO. And with this new direction much more listenable.
I was watching Headbanger's Ball while I was bored one night. The guys were talking about Trivium doing something with Iron Maiden - maybe a tour, festival, or whatnot. Anyway, they showed a video of a song from their latest album, The Crusade. I was impressed - guitar harmonies, thrashy riffs, decent vocals, etc. And I thought, "Well, I can see why they'd be doing something with Maiden" because they definitely have some of their elements thrown in there. I'll go look up which song it was...
We Are the Fire, I think the song was...

Anyway, it was surprising since I had always heard that they were metalcore. Nice change, imo
RiffDaemon said:
We Are the Fire, I think the song was...

Anyway, it was surprising since I had always heard that they were metalcore. Nice change, imo

That one is probably one of the more "commercial" songs on the album too - if you like that one you'll love the rest. Go to their MySpace and check out the "ENTRANCE OF THE CONFLAGRATION" video www.myspace.com/trivium
"Fake and forced" indeed. This album is a prime example of a band mixing all the right influences and going nowhere. I hear notes of classic Metallica, Testament, Empire-era 'Ryche, Mountain King Savatage, etc... but the songs are DULL. Not a single fistpumper of an anthem out of the lot. Great guitarwork, sure, but the songs are written like hamfisted Nickelback singles. They'll only be memorable after you've heard them on the radio for the 2938742198472093847th time, and you still won't remember who sang them.
Warthog said:
"Fake and forced" indeed. This album is a prime example of a band mixing all the right influences and going nowhere. I hear notes of classic Metallica, Testament, Empire-era 'Ryche, Mountain King Savatage, etc... but the songs are DULL. Not a single fistpumper of an anthem out of the lot. Great guitarwork, sure, but the songs are written like hamfisted Nickelback singles. They'll only be memorable after you've heard them on the radio for the 2938742198472093847th time, and you still won't remember who sang them.

Thank you.
Trivium... I must say I'm impressed with this release. It is worth owning. It isn't really original, they're just trying to be Metallica with vocal harmonies. The album does have some emo moments too. Sorry Trivium... better luck next album?
Gunstar9 said:
Trivium... I must say I'm impressed with this release. It is worth owning. It isn't really original, they're just trying to be Metallica with vocal harmonies. The album does have some emo moments too. Sorry Trivium... better luck next album?

Yes, perhaps next time around they'll release a CD that doesn't impress you and, uh isn't worth owning....?! :confused:

As for 80's Metallica.....Trivium's singer reallly sounds like he's trying to emulate Hetfield. Well, heck, there are worse singers to emulate. :heh:
Pellaz said:
Yes, perhaps next time around they'll release a CD that doesn't impress you and, uh isn't worth owning....?! :confused:

As for 80's Metallica.....Trivium's singer reallly sounds like he's trying to emulate Hetfield. Well, heck, there are worse singers to emulate. :heh:

Pellaz, Jesus Christ can't please some people dude! I'm going to check it out regardless. The way I look at it is, if some American young guns are wanting to add some traditional elements into their new music like so many of our European friends, then I'll support it! :headbang:
Thrash metal is "in" now.

Unearth is putting out a thrash album as well. Because supposedly their fans have always wanted them to do a thrash album >_>
Forgive me if I'm out of order -
this new "music" has no soul.
It may be good for making money,
(sadly that is not my goal).

Integrity and honesty are words that you don't understand,
but you're the best - it says so in the penny dreadful in your hand.

I saw you in the magazine,
they're calling you messiah.
They must be living in a dream -
they couldn't be more wrong.

If we'd played this riff more punk,
than may be we'd have had a million seller.
But this piper's tune is not for sale,
(I'm glad to say I'm not that kind of fella).

D.J.s, V.J.s, pimps and trollops,
never mind music - this is bollocks.

I saw you in the magazine,
they're calling you messiah.
They must be living in a dream -
they couldn't be more wrong.

Turn on, tune up, cash in, sell out.
Turn on, tune up, cash in, sell out.

Stand your ground behind the times -
and refuse to follow fassion.
Write your poetry with anger,
(and then sing it with a passion).

Painted faces in a circus - images that spring to mind,
when I read my penny dreadful filled with pictures of your kind.

I saw you in the magazine,
they're calling you messiah.
They must be living in a dream -
they couldn't be more wrong.

Commercial suicide's appealing after
ten years on this losing streak.
'Cause I'd rather be called sour and bitter
then be deemed the flavour of the weak.

I saw you in the magazine,
they're calling you messiah.
They must be living in a dream -
they couldn't be more wrong.

Extra, extra, read all about it!

I saw you in the magazine,
they're calling you messiah.
They must be living in a dream -
they couldn't be more wrong.
Jim LotFP said:
Forgive me if I'm out of order -
this new "music" has no soul.
It may be good for making money,
(sadly that is not my goal).

Integrity and honesty are words that you don't understand,
but you're the best - it says so in the penny dreadful in your hand.

I saw you in the magazine,
they're calling you messiah.
They must be living in a dream -
they couldn't be more wrong.

If we'd played this riff more punk,
than may be we'd have had a million seller.
But this piper's tune is not for sale,
(I'm glad to say I'm not that kind of fella).

D.J.s, V.J.s, pimps and trollops,
never mind music - this is bollocks.

I saw you in the magazine,
they're calling you messiah.
They must be living in a dream -
they couldn't be more wrong.

Turn on, tune up, cash in, sell out.
Turn on, tune up, cash in, sell out.

Stand your ground behind the times -
and refuse to follow fassion.
Write your poetry with anger,
(and then sing it with a passion).

Painted faces in a circus - images that spring to mind,
when I read my penny dreadful filled with pictures of your kind.

I saw you in the magazine,
they're calling you messiah.
They must be living in a dream -
they couldn't be more wrong.

Commercial suicide's appealing after
ten years on this losing streak.
'Cause I'd rather be called sour and bitter
then be deemed the flavour of the weak.

I saw you in the magazine,
they're calling you messiah.
They must be living in a dream -
they couldn't be more wrong.

Extra, extra, read all about it!

I saw you in the magazine,
they're calling you messiah.
They must be living in a dream -
they couldn't be more wrong.

If you wrote that, I'm doubling your invoice! :heh: :loco:
Too easy, eh? This one should be harder to identify:

Saturating, pre-assuming icon of the youth,
Ways and means to call the shots,
Fingers in the pies which resign us from vacant urges,
Facing the bombardment - no escape!

Stick your intentions!
Parade of puppets
Sickly sweet - you stink of vulgarity!

Sacrifice the faculties,
All you've achieved is synthetic scenes.

Next step is to gain approval from those who ignore,
Those who recognise the charade,
To fabricate alternatives designed to be expensive
In hand with the regular facade.

Acquire acclaim with plastic actions,
Sickly sweet - you stink of vulgarity!

Sacrifice the faculties,
All you've achieved is synthetic scenes.

Fit into the cliche,
A legend in your own brain.
Bigoted, motivated only for prestige.

A mask for your inadequacy.

Preshaping to what's required for slick commerciality.
Censored for subversion,
Redundant machine.

Don't let them mould your identity.