Old Umers/gmders you miss

Mathiäs;7149635 said:
Definitely don't miss the banned people for the most part. Susperia was cool and Erik was funny

Apparently Susperia is only banned from the Social forum, and isn't aware that she can still post in GMD. I don't think she really has anything to contribute to actual metal discussion, though, and socially I remember her as presumptuous and ignorant.
Apparently Susperia is only banned from the Social forum, and isn't aware that she can still post in GMD. I don't think she really has anything to contribute to actual metal discussion, though, and socially I remember her as presumptuous and ignorant.

and vegan... very vegan
get ready for some old names!

anonymous nick
that proggy guy with the self portrait of himself as his av who used to post in the musicians forum alot. fuck what was his name

I miss:

Teh Grimace
paddy (even if it was a fake account)
bigdave (well yeah...)

even though some these posters aren't that cool, they were bringing a "personality" to this forum. I miss good old times.
I remember Grimace being a huge tool with a fucking gigantic sig. Why all these people miss him I have no idea. I just remember wishing he would die of cancer.