Old Umers/gmders you miss

Susan has also disappeared. She said she wouldn't post again after King Drunkard made that thread about that thread that showed a pic of her.

Hey, I wasn't the one posting my tits all over the internet and then getting pissed about other people pointing it out. I just happened to find a random thread about some dude jacking off to her tits on the internet (shocker). She has no one to blame but herself.

YEAAAH, BRUV! :kickass:

I kinda miss ohiogrinder, but that's it.

Rabid was fun sometimes.

Ohiogrinder, Blue Jay, Sao aka Susan.
I keep trying to add back Susan to MySpace after she deleted me but for some reason she won't readd me, it may be because of my association with Um, I don't know, I never said or did anything bad to her.

I don't understand how anyone could miss those people.

THIS but without the j/k

Teh Grimace

That's about it really.


Teh Grimace was one of the coolest posters here after we got past our fueds, which we never really understood in the first place.

I miss:

Teh Grimace
paddy (even if it was a fake account)
bigdave (well yeah...)

even though some these posters aren't that cool, they were bringing a "personality" to this forum. I miss good old times.

I demand you remove Erik and Dave from your list or I will never talk to you again.

I remember Grimace being a huge tool with a fucking gigantic sig. Why all these people miss him I have no idea. I just remember wishing he would die of cancer.

Sure you aren't talking about yourself? I remember Grimace having excellent taste in music and an endless supply of recs to boot.
BlackMetalTyrant! Hahaha, holy shit. I remember him and TheGreys going at it when I first joined here on my original account. I loved those situations so much.
Hey, I wasn't the one posting my tits all over the internet and then getting pissed about other people pointing it out. I just happened to find a random thread about some dude jacking off to her tits on the internet (shocker). She has no one to blame but herself.

:lol:. So that's why she left...I always seems to miss the drama around UM.
Where is the Grays? I'm missing his really stoned and horny posts about how he hopes to get laid and hates his job.