OMFG! Maiden is Pelted by Eggs/Leaves Ozzfest!

Noble Viking

Aka Herman Li
May 16, 2005
Los Angeles, CA
O.K, so I was went over to my friends house that I haven't seen in about a year, and he looked pretty disgruntled. I asked him what was up, and he said that he had just come back from Ozzfest. I thought "Man, that's awesome!" He told me that Iron Maiden set got fucked with and he pretty much didn't get to see them and went to bed.
We hadn't seen each other in about a year, he came back from Ozzfest, and he was so dissapointed when he came back that he didn't want to talk about the show or to me. Never did I think that something this crazy happened last night and really, read all those comments at and the sound bytes in this's INSANE....
this is what seperates REAL metalheads from the little fucking ozzfest mainstreamer fags..... one more reason to own a gun and shoot fucking bastards like that.... personally any bands who play at ozzfest should be disembowled..... the ipodomy of commercialism is festivals such as ozzfest where all the "hardcore" bands play.... personally words cannot express my sheer extreme hate and anger toward these fuckers..... but ah well... what can ya do..... can kill em all.....

but there are ways to kill and get away and i will share my pointers with u
1. wait until your in a very large crowded area.
2. get next to em.
3. fire (preferrably in the spine no one will see it)
4. just scatter with the crowd.

4 easy steps that anyone can do.
that's at least a good thing about brazil
even though metal isn't all that popular, if you disrespect maiden theres a 90% chance you will get beat.
If you throw something at them in a concert, you will most certainly get SEVERELY beaten.
Another day of Yanks in action! hehehehe :p why do people still bother with ozzy anyway ffs the poor bastard should just OD and die a legend, his tardness is painfull to watch while his wife is milking the industry for her own fame, sad sad shit.
I guess that's what you get when you don't play Metalcore and/or if you're not in Ozzy's band at Ozzfest. Wow after reading the statement, it really sounds as if they were stealing the show haha :p

Abrasive-X said:
show some respect to fucking Iron Maiden for fuck sakes
Yeah fucking fuck !
Sharon ruins the Metal Scene. She is an evil woman.

Giving Bruce shit for Showing the union jack during the trooper (on US soil, while us troops are fighting blabla) is the most retarded...
^ I don't think the British flad waving was the issue because he's been doing that for the trooper for about 20 years. That asshole Dumb Shit Dave or whatever comes out with an American flag that says "Ozzy" on it during the trooper!!!(?). I guess MAiden said something against the show the Osbournes, and then after that, Sharon cut Iron MAiden's set time, hired goons to throw eggs and water bottles, and unplugged their PA a reported 5 times during their set!!!!???? WHy didn't maiden fans just kill these people?
Read about that a couple of days ago. My feelings are expressed in this picture

DeathPact said:
Another day of Yanks in action! hehehehe :p why do people still bother with ozzy anyway ffs the poor bastard should just OD and die a legend, his tardness is painfull to watch while his wife is milking the industry for her own fame, sad sad shit.

Why the fuck do you have to involve the fact that it happened here in America? For all you know, the person who started it could have been a fucking Brit on vacation or even a goddamn tourist from fucking Russia.

It's always some kind of comparison with the British and with the Canadians.

What about all the fucked up people I've seen and heard about over there? Don't see me talking shit for no reason.

There. Read that then talk shit about Koreans.