I'm NOT normally too nasty...... BUT that PADDY WHACK TRAITOR PAKI BITCH deserves to die...Do these Liberal tree hugging,paki shagging,lesbian wanaB's really think these animals give a flying fuck about all the help she gave the sick kids???.Now the libral fucks over here are saying "what do you expect when U.S marines shoot wounded men"....WHAT THE FUCK>> that raqi camel fucker could have been loaded or anything 1st rule of combat a wounded solider should be a dead solider as he is the most dangerous solider..
I'm doing a Billy tonight (bit pissed & typing)(badly)..old school you are a bright geezer for reading that shit...i dare'nt as it will fuel my hatered for that book of hate,fucked up,pig hating,women hating (if i made my woman walk 2 paces behind me she'd fucking slap me silly)liberal loving shit religion....
ARE THERE ANY MUSLIMS READING THIS BOARD ON THE Q.T if so show yourself and try and defend.....
PEACE I"m pissed