Once Sent From Golden Hall Re-Release?

It's not like buying a live album, it's like buying half a live album. The whole thing probably amounts to 3 hours worth of live material (too lazy to check how long the first 4 combined are, but I'm pretty sure it's less than 3 hours). 3 hours of live material is a little bit more than a live double album. A live double album typically goes for about one-and-a-half times the normal price of a CD. Paying 4 times as much for the same stuff = us getting boned.

Put it another way: the Wrath of the Norseman set was over seven hours of material and cost $15. More than that, it was DVD footage, rather than just audio, which is more expensive to produce (price of all the cameramen and editing video on top of the cost of recording and mixing sound). But even pretending that it was audio, 7 hours of audio for $15 versus 3 hours for (call it $14 for each CD x 4) $56. That's like a ten-inch cock rammed balls-deep into our collective assholes.

Needless to say the WotN set being 7 hours for $15 was one of the most insane bargains I've ever seen and they shouldn't be expected to show that level of awesomeness in the future, as it's a fucking high bar, but still...this is a pretty raw deal for long-time fans. I would be completely happy if they just released the second discs to all the albums - i.e. just the live material - and charged $30 for it.
Meh...Ill buy them all again. They come with new covers and all form to connect one crazy thing once you buy all 4.

Id rather just a bochum dvd box set or something, but what can you do?

Looking foward to getting these dvds. I so hope they play the concerts after the album shows aswel, but i dont think its gonna happen.

The sound Quality for the live Once Sent...Release sounds pretty fuckin killer.
The record of the gig is very good. I like it.
It's much better than the one from the summerbreeze.
Looking forward for the dvd :rock::rock::rock:
still waitin for mine to come... that what happens when you dumbass forgett to preorder... but I wait some days...it only cost me 3 €... so I can wait for that
OMFNA.... I love this thing... I had some tears in my eyes because of the memories from that night and the feelin while listenig to the Live songs... fucken awesome, brilliant sound.
I made pics from this box to show you how it looks. hahah, and I didnt pay one fuckin €uro on that. awesome... they just forgot that i have to pay for the delivery...totally forgot that :heh: :lol:
and there is a flyer in it when the other packs come out...

The Avenger : May 22nd(G/A/S/I) May 25th (Rest EUR)
The Crusher: Aug 29th(G/A/S/I) Sep 01st (Rest Eur)
Versus the World : Nov 6th(G/A/S/I) Nov 9th(Rest Eur)
I so cant wait to get them!!!

now the pics...

Take pics of the inside pics
It's a Tobias's pics, he's on the forums and is one of the guys for metalmoments.net (or com I forget)
That would be Johan and Olaavi, by process of elimination, but my money is on Johan and Ted if Fredrick gets one.
Btw, I think it's a cool re-release - Even if I fooled myself and believed that it would be a DVD from Bochum, and not a live cd. - The disappointment was quite big when I put the "DVD" in the player, and nothing but music came out... :erk: But I still enjoyed it a lot... :kickass: - Great memories came to my mind.
Really - I thought I was the photographer :rolleyes: - They must have written the wrong name in the cover then... - It says "Live photos by Lunah Lauridsen" - and that is me.

Yup, that's true. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I wrote "our photos" where I was thinking of Metalmoments, and I thought I had written in here before that I stood for the reviews and Lunah for the photos, so I didn't feel the need to clarify that again.
My mistake *hitsmyselfovertheheadwithafryingpan*
Got mine this morning, just fucking awesome.

Digipack is really cool well worth the money.

Bringing back some awesome memories. This CD will be on repeat for a long time yet! :kickass: