
the New Radicals guy quit music to pursue a career in film. too bad really.

Frost*: yeah I know about Dear Dead Days. I haven't heard a single update though.
Buckley: Sketches was incomplete when he died.
Madsword's The Global Village is an exceptional album, and they have subsequently released nothing. There was a four track EP prior to this album, but that doesn't really count.

Ark have two albums, but the first was more like a demo and didn't have Mats Olausson and Randy Coven anyway, so the second is what I'd consider the first real Ark album. They split up over differences between Tore and Mac, but Jorn had left anyway. Burn the Sun is a supreme album.

You basically read my mind here.
^ i might be wrong but i believe cynic has another album coming out?? at least my friend mark (from Alarum) who is like their biggest fan brags he has gotten a hold of their new album to look over before it's released.. anyway.. could be wrong, but thats what he said.. so dunno if they fit anymore into that category..

Mark also apparently listened to the new songs with Audioscrobbler on and has been getting bugged a good deal by folks on LastFM about the demo. :lol:
I've been wanting to post a response here since I saw this topic on Thursday night. But given my schedule and being removed from my collection, I get to do it now.

Agree with the nods to Damn the Machine and T-ride. Both are quite stellar albums for different reasons.

Here are some more of my personal faves that I thought deserved a mention.
The Scream - Let it Scream. Yes I realize they had a second album recorded that really never saw the light of day.
Presto Ballet - Peace Among The Ruins. I'm sure they are a band who will have a second album making this listing temporary.
Mind Bomb - S/T
Dog Society - Test Your Own Eyes
Pale Divine - Straight to Goodbye
Jerusalem Slim - S/T - Michael Monroe and Steve Stevens...I was lovin' it for sure!
Demolition 23 - s/T - Another MIchael Monroe mention...yeah I like his vocals and attitude.
Jerry Gaskill - Come Somwhere - He may have another solo disc out somewhere down the road.
Jughead - S/T - it's the Mustard Seeds on steroids. Brilliant!
Supershine - S/T - Doug Pinnick sings songs meant for Trouble. I can dig it.
Sonnier Brothers Band - S/T
Contraband - S/T Schenker sounded great on this disc.
DC Cooper - S/T Yeah, he might put out another solo disc too, but will it even come close to his one.
Electric Love Hogs - S/T - Odd name for such a fun band.
Limbomaniacs - Stinky Grooves
Neverland - S/T
Star Star - The Love Drag Years
Electric Angels - S/T - Yes, I know these guys had a second album that never saw an official release too.
The Loveless - A Tale of Gin and Salvation - From the guys that brought you the Electric Angels.

And the last one for fun...Motley Crue '94. They should have just changed the name anyway. New singer, new vibe & new lease on life made for a great album. Some killer material here that showed what the band could accomplish without Vince.

And that's it for me.
Spiral Architect
Damn the Machine
Cerebus Effect
Mystick Krewe of Clearlight

Saw Damn The Machine, I think somewhere around 93-94. They opened for Flotsam and Jetsam. For about half the show, I was telling my friend that I liked the guitarists slightly jazzy style of playing. Then.....holy shit! That's Chris Poland!! No wonder I like this band.(musically)
Toy Matinee...
I'll have to go look at my collection later, can't think of any at the moment off-hand.... It's 3 am...great thread, though!
Last Chapter, as far as I know, only put out The Living Waters album. Amazing album...Robert Lowe (Solitude Aeturnus, Candlemass) sang on it. Great Doom Metal, with a few interesting Alan Holdsworth's Atavachron-era instrumentals.