One line (or few) in some lyrics that striked you most and why?


Find tranquillity in dark
Jan 28, 2006
Where poetry meets madness
So, after few hours of being persistently convinced by someone *cough* that this could make a good thread, I had no other choice, so here it is.
Post as much times and as much lyrics you want to...I'm sure all of you were striked by many lyrics in so many different situations

So, mine: "Hold me near, unravel the stars
As I speed through the heavens
I speed through the night
For you are my blade and my rope
You are my, you are my Lethe…you are my own"

This song always had special effect on me, but this part of lyrics for two reasons: I think it's one of best Mikael's singing/growling ever and one special person reminded me to listen to it again after some time, from when I CAN'T stop listening to it
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Well, my favorite DT lyrics have always been
"A heart that beats the wrong way"
"And the violence of dark"
(the first because they describe me and the second because that's the way i used to feel a lot (like the dark was so violent; don't ask me to explain this because my reply would be the size of Saturn)).

Other lyrics i love are the ones to Lethe (because that song can be a love song or a song about alcohol and lack of love, depending on how one looks at it, and because the lyrics are simply great, and lately because they remind me of a certain someone) and
"The demand i get from excellence
The void i felt from answering"

(because i've also felt like that a lot, always striving to be excellent at what interests me, being the perfectionist i am, and sometimes not getting anything out of it).
is this limited to dt? in case it's not, i submit new model army:

"you screamed: give us liberty or give us death
now you've got both. what do you want next?"

from here comes the war.

if it was limited to dt, well, color me embarrassed.
So I know it each time you are lying
I can tell from the shame in your eyes
And each time there's a piece of me dying
but you know that I never compromise

The last part of "Resonatine" from Madder Mortem. Listening to this part, when Agnette sings it with her voice dueling with the lead guitar playing the same melody, the way she sings those words, almost makes me cry. Its so fucking strong!

And in addition to that, theres the release in the last two entwined lines:

I know you well enough/How long can the silence hold?

Thats really beautiful.
Screaming beneath placid gazes
No one is there to break the fall
Spineless and amazed we greet the metaphor
that leaves us as beggars at the door
And so we tie

Rust, cleansing in harm

The bond that ties us holds

One more from Madder Mortems "Rust Cleansing". The same feelings as above. This song is probably the favourite song of mine. You have to hear it to get the idea fully (like with Lethe).
@Marduk: I tried to find those songs for dl, but I can't find any available...if you care to send me any links on pm, I'd be very grateful 'cause lyrics sound really good :)
NIN - The Great Below

Ocean pulls me close
And whispers in my ear
The destiny i've chose
All becoming clear
The currents have their say
The time is drawing near
Washes me away
Makes me disappear

I descend from grace
In arms of undertow
I will take my place
In the great below

A Perfect Circle - The Noose

But I'm more than just a little curious
How you're planning to go about
Making your amends to the dead
To the dead

and many more of course
From The Crüxshadow's "Coming Home"

And though they tell you i am lost
and their words report my death is come
the fates have left me breathing still
Very much alive

And though my mind is cut by battles
fought so long ago
I return victorious
I am coming home
And if the paths that I have followed
have tread against the flow
there is no need for sorrow
I am coming home

"Fade to black" by Metallica...
The lyrics were close to what I was feeling a few years ago until most of last year...

DT lyrics:

When there is no one
When no one is mine
The no one is me

I always felt miserably with being lonely, because after i came back from an exchange year abroad, pretty much all my friendships broke, and i felt like I had no one to talk to, or no one i could really thrust. Now I sometimes talk to those "old" friends, but it is never like it was before, and sometimes it really is just small talk, and that gets me frustrated, regarding of all the things we had done, all the nice times we spend together for like 6 years...
"Lightswitch" by Scalpel, the chorus is wicked. Totally struck me by surprise.

"Cold lips taste death in every corner
The next word I mutter could be my last
Through these eyes I see nothing but disorder
Isolation will be my prize"

That last line is so cool, even if it's not poetic like Dark Trank. The rest of it is pretty cheesy, with lyrics like "In my dreams I've seen entrancement/Fading into obscurity". It's a cool tune with a cooler riff, but the lyrics really struck me when I first listened.
Dark_Silence said:
DT lyrics:

When there is no one
When no one is mine
The no one is me

Yeah... I totally agree with that one. It's wonderful... I also agreee with Rincewind. That part of Lethe is fantastic.
I'll pick an Iced Earth song, The Phantom Opera Ghost.

this song is a duet.

christine: "why are you... tha phantom opera ghost?"
erik: "why am I... the phantom opera ghost?"

these parts are sung together, with female and male vocals. and the desperation is given, perfectly. I'll try to explain that; christine is not saying something like that, "you are the ghost so things can't go alright." she asks "why are you the ghost", and of course with no hope of an answer.

to be continued...
About a maid I’ll sing a song,
Sing rickety-tickety-tin,
About a maid I’ll sing a song
Who didn’t have her family long.
Not only did she do them wrong,
She did ev’ryone of them in, them in,
She did ev’ryone of them in.

One morning in a fit of pique,
Sing rickety-tickety-tin,
One morning in a fit of pique,
She drowned her father in the creek.
The water tasted bad for a week,
And we had to make do with gin, with gin,
We had to make do with gin.

Her mother she could never stand,
Sing rickety-tickety-tin,
Her mother she cold never stand,
And so a cyanide soup she planned.
The mother died with a spoon in her hand,
And her face in a hideous grin, a grin,
Her face in a hideous grin.

She set her sister’s hair on fire,
Sing rickety-tickety-tin,
She set her sister’s hair on fire,
And as the smoke and flame rose high’r,
Danced around the funeral pyre,
Playin’ a violin, -olin,
Playin’ a violin.

She weighted her brother down with stones,
She weighted her brother down with stones,
And sent him off to davy jones.
All they ever found were some bones,
And occasional pieces of skin, of skin,
Occasional pieces of skin.

One day when she had nothing to do,
Sing rickety-tickety-tin,
One day when she had nothing to do,
She cut her baby brother in two,
And served him up as an irish stew,
And invited the neighbors in, -bors in,
Invited the neighbors in.

And when at last the police came by,
Sing rickety-tickety-tin,
And when at last the police came by,
Her little pranks she did not deny,
To do so she would have had to lie,
And lying, she knew, was a sin, a sin,
Lying, she knew, was a sin.

I can really see myself in this one.....
Пидоры идут, пидоры идут!
Пидоры идут, пидоры идут!
Пидоры идут, пидоры идут!

Спасайся кто может - гомосеки там и тут!

I'd prefer to translate it not :heh:
"Colours collide with the world of his beliefs
Bring back the storm of distant years
Tumbling, trembling as there is no waking up
There is no dividing line as logic now fails"

rinsed in post-human shadows
a monument scorned by the teeth of time
Stale-faced keeper of secrets,
loaded with implosive fire
the whore that carried the apostle
to the mating point on the graves of giants

We look at you, afraid
to see what we really are."
plintus said:
Пидоры идут, пидоры идут!
Пидоры идут, пидоры идут!
Пидоры идут, пидоры идут!

Спасайся кто может - гомосеки там и тут!

I'd prefer to translate it not :heh:

It's like the song:

Vi är pojkarna som busar
med flickornas små musar

Hahahaha.....I'm glad you don't understand it.

Undo: Why all this love talking shit?.... You make me fuckin' depressed!!!