One of my favorite things about Borknagar...

Originally posted by Till Fjalls

Right on, I have to agree here. Makes more sense now! BTW, do you seriously have CD's of spoken word that you payed for?:o

If so, I stand corrected! Maybe I'm missing out on something!:lol:

You know about audiobooks, don't you? Well, they are rather popular. And there's such an incredible variety of what you can get. Then there are also stage play recordings. I have various such cassettes/CDs and enjoy them greatly. I have a cassette with poems read by various famous people, for instance. Then I have some Shakespeare plays (performed by the Brannagh troupe). Not to mention the many novels (either read by one person or dramatized with a full cast)...

So you see, I pay money for selected spoken words. :) And admit it: wouldn't you pay money for a CD with Vintersorg reading his favourite Swedish nature-related poems on it? ;)
Originally posted by Somber Soul So you see, I pay money for selected spoken words. And admit it: wouldn't you pay money for a CD with Vintersorg reading his favourite Swedish nature-related poems on it?

I would :)
Although I don't speak that language I like how it sounds (and maybe that cd should have english translation)
Originally posted by Somber Soul

You know about audiobooks, don't you? Well, they are rather popular. And there's such an incredible variety of what you can get. Then there are also stage play recordings. I have various such cassettes/CDs and enjoy them greatly. I have a cassette with poems read by various famous people, for instance. Then I have some Shakespeare plays (performed by the Brannagh troupe). Not to mention the many novels (either read by one person or dramatized with a full cast)...

So you see, I pay money for selected spoken words. :) And admit it: wouldn't you pay money for a CD with Vintersorg reading his favourite Swedish nature-related poems on it? ;)

I like those CDs/tapes with selected spoken words very much and do pay money for it.
And it's a great idea with the Vintersorg poems, I'd buy it! :)
Haha, I should start copyrighting my ideas! ;) First, a double-disc Borknagar box, containing an acoustic a collection of poems read by Mr. Vintersorg! This special disc could again be added to the latest Vintersorg release: both in an oaken box, adorned with carvings. And the Borknagar box and the Vintersorg box could complement each other in style and appearance on the shelf!
I had that kind of cassettes when I was a kid, and couldn't read for myself..... With a little book, with the text (that I didn't understand, but knew anyway) and pictures. I had many of them, mostly Disney stories. :) They were nice! :D