One step closer to John Bush's permanent return?

Heh Funny...

If that's true I guess Blaze Bayley and Maiden = The real Iron Maiden

Either way, I welcome it

No, Bruce was Iron Maiden's singer for the longest time, and a much better singer than Blaze, just like John was their singer for a longer period of time and is a much better singer than Joey. Fact.
No, Bruce was Iron Maiden's singer for the longest time, and a much better singer than Blaze, just like John was their singer for a longer period of time and is a much better singer than Joey. Fact.

Damn you are so freaking funny! John Bush has better vocal range, utilizes actual vocal melodies instead of just shouting like James Hetfield, the Bush era of Anthrax (Except for SoWN & WcfyA) was Anthrax in their prime!

HA! Funny stuff - I'm actually crying off of that line
I'd drink to that one

Anywho moving on

Either way Anthrax needs to do another show in NYC and Ohio lol
John did have vocal melodies. Not all the time, but so what? This is a METAL band, not Journey. And Joey Belladonna had very poor control over his voice and was off-key a LOT, despite having "range." Joey was similar in style to guys like Bruce, but Bruce is a fantastic singer with great control over his voice. Joey had zero control, and sounded cheesy as hell and just didn't fit in with a thrash metal band. Yes, I realize that the middle period with John Bush did stray away from thrash metal and what Anthrax originally did (but so did all of the other of the big 4 except for Slayer). Metallica had the Load and St. Anger period, Megadeth had Risk, and Anthrax had Stomp 442 (which, is a fantastic record in it's own right - it's just not a thrash metal record).
sad thing is anthrax with dan nelson were rather good. i saw them onboard hms hammer for the metal hammer awards show.

Of course they were fucking awesome live - it was the same band as the WCFYA lineup, just with a different singer. Doesn't mean the same band with John isn't just as good if not better.:kickass:
The only difference is John Bush just happens to have one of the most original voices in metal.Dan Nelson is a Phil (Pantera,Down,Superjoint)wanna be.They just should have done a record with guest vocalist.They need Bush because he meshes quite well with an original band.Still I feel Bush dosnt want the full time commitment.Time will tell.
If Bush doesn't want to commit to fullscale touring, fine. Just do the new record, and some one-off shows, and maybe a little bit of touring (a week or two here or there). Anthrax with John Bush on a limited basis is still better than Anthrax with any other singer.
Joey was very unmetal to me, he was a Steve Perry wanna be. He couldn't write worth shit. Everything he's done regarding a solo career has been pure shit to say the least (Spells of Fear ) Anthrax was always to aggressive for his vocal style I feel he held them back. Bush is A perfect fit, he can do whatever is required he can sing, write and has a much better stage presence and from what I hear he is not a cunt to work with. Joey is so one dimensional.
Joey was very unmetal to me, he was a Steve Perry wanna be. He couldn't write worth shit. Everything he's done regarding a solo career has been pure shit to say the least (Spells of Fear ) Anthrax was always to aggressive for his vocal style I feel he held them back. Bush is A perfect fit, he can do whatever is required he can sing, write and has a much better stage presence and from what I hear he is not a cunt to work with. Joey is so one dimensional.


I remember back then as me and my friends would make fun of Anthrax for being a metal band with an opera singer. The music was awesome, but Joey's voice was the show-stopper.

Then comes Bush and SOWN, it was a revelation for me. Anthrax, to me, finaly made sense (voice vs. music). It was instant connection, SOWN pretty much stayed on my Walkman™ for close to a year. Anthrax without Bush is of no interest to me...
I remember running home after HS with a freshly pressed copy of the armed and dangerous ep. I loved it. Joey's voice. The higher quality production. I was completely wowed by the new anthrax. Anthrax during this period seemed to bridge the older more power metal of bands like cities, accept with thrash. Many of my friends who liked early metallica and slayer but couldn't stand the vocals gravitated towards thrax. I think as anthrax developed there sound with later releases Joey's voice fit some songs amazingly well. AIR was earth shattering while I thought he sounded terrible on the heavier songs like caught in a mosh. But part of anthrax's appeal was that without being alt metal anthrax had the ability to transcend thrash metal and do hardcore cross over, rap, punk and new wave songs and make them sound fresh. I think this created a contradiction for the band though with both there fans who could love one song and be indifferent to another and ultimately with the band themselves. Overall I think John has a more mature listenable voice. Its like a fine whiskey. Joey has a wicked awesome voice. I truly love it but it veers into a cheesey Joe Perry area too often for my liking.
All I know is they really need to get this record the fuck out, I mean, this is getting a little fucking high school, " we can't keep a singer" , come on, I love you dudes but the amount of time between releases is fucked up ! Also, the amount of time compounded between volume 8 to wcfya and wcfya and worship music (who knows really but) this is approaching like 12 years for this band to release 2 new album's worth of material. FUCK ! They need some fuel for their engine !