One step closer to John Bush's permanent return?

One of the best songs on Vol. 8.I would love to hear that put back in the set. Guy's, if your reading this ...whats the deal, is Bush back in the fold .Talk to us.
Yeah man!
Bushthrax is such a huge part of me. I want to know what the fuck is going on. I'm tired of the little twitter hints and Johns silence. It shouldn't affect me like this but it just does. I want to know what John wants and i want to know the rest of the bands motives.
I also want Bushthrax to reign supreme!!!
I think they could easily get Worship Music out by early next year if John rejoins and retracks the vocals. Most of the artwork and stuff is done - would have to be modified to include credits and photos with John but I think they could easily prepare a release quickly.

True as the hype is now and their management probably dont want that hype to fade.
It would be so fucking awesome to hear John Bush sing "Vampyres."
Also, Fight 'Em Till You Can't (however I think the part where Scott is yelling "i'll end you" - the part that Dan did live doesn't sound like something John would have sang, but maybe he'd sound good? Or maybe they're rewrite that or it'd have a different delivery altogether, no idea).
I Think if Worship Music does ever surface it won't be called Worship Music.I 'm sure lyrics melodies and song titles may change. John seems like the kind of guy who would want an organic vibe to the songs, Simply singing the lyrics word for word doesn't seem likely. I wouldn't expect any of the Worship versions live in Japan , if any are played at all. seems unlikely.
I'm sure quite a bit of stuff could change but I bet the title Worship Music will stay the same. Scott and Charlie probably came up with that, not Dan. And since Alex Ross supposedly already did an extremely badass album cover for it - they'll probably use it! Unless it's like WCFYA and has the band's faces on it - obviously they can't use it with Dan on it.
I'm sure quite a bit of stuff could change but I bet the title Worship Music will stay the same. Scott and Charlie probably came up with that, not Dan. And since Alex Ross supposedly already did an extremely badass album cover for it - they'll probably use it! Unless it's like WCFYA and has the band's faces on it - obviously they can't use it with Dan on it.

Why not? Couldn't they just photo shop Bushs cartoon face over Dans?

Having Bush sing over Dans erased vocals isn't much different. They should release Worship Music as it is. I think it would be stupid to release a plan B record.

Bush is awesome, I'd love to see him back in the fold.

Dan Nelson must have really fucked up because I'm sure a singer dilemma is the last thing these guys would want.

I say release worship music as is to prove to everyone that they still have "it" and leave others wondering what could have been.
I'd rather hear John Bush sing than Dan Nelson, even if he is just singing basically the same thing. John Bush is my favorite metal singer, period.
I was going to give them a chance with Dan and I certainly liked Dan much more than Belladonna. But John Bush is the fucking man, period. I hope they release it with John on it.
You mean like Scott and Charlie did with Bush and Joey? :rolleyes: I wouldn't be blaming Dan here, unless we ever find out the REAL story.

I dont think they ever planned on making an LP with Joey after the reunion. Bush left on his own. I know I'm just speculating when I said Dan must have fucked up. I just can't see anthrax hiring and announcing a guy, making a record with him, touring with him and then throwing him out as a scheme to get Bush back. Anthrax has been known to be quiet about things but this is kinda ridiculous. Before long, only the diehards like ourselves will have any interest.
I dont think they ever planned on making an LP with Joey after the reunion. Bush left on his own. I know I'm just speculating when I said Dan must have fucked up. I just can't see anthrax hiring and announcing a guy, making a record with him, touring with him and then throwing him out as a scheme to get Bush back. Anthrax has been known to be quiet about things but this is kinda ridiculous. Before long, only the diehards like ourselves will have any interest.
From the interview i saw timmy c posted on another thread It seems Dan Nelson must have done something, because every chance the interviewer had to ask him personal questions he just wanted to move on and look at the future.
From the interview i saw timmy c posted on another thread It seems Dan Nelson must have done something, because every chance the interviewer had to ask him personal questions he just wanted to move on and look at the future.

If I was a no-name and kicked out of a band of this caliber, I wouldn't want to talk about it either! Dan "Ripper" Nelson.
Here's hoping the Australia tour in Feb / March next year is further proof that Bush is back permanently. I mean - it's 4 months away! Maybe the new record is coming too...?
id be pretty confident they will do there own shows with bush back,whatever is said about anthrax 1 thing is for sure,they get a greatr audience here,they play 2000,3000 capacity clubs,last 2 times they have been here alotr of the shows were sell outs.