One travelled to Israel...


Jun 28, 2006
Yeah, i travelled to Israel.... 9 beautiful days in the holy land. I made my childhood dream come true and visited Jerusalem, and also saw the Accoustic concert of OL. I will put some pictures of my trip here, and add my concert pictures to the Oud-thread.

I must say it was a great time, meeting friends, meeting forum-people, the band of course and all in all it was a really impressive week.

So...I will start on the beach of Bat yam.

i was lucky, just after i arrived, the sun decided to accompany me :)

i walked with Nathalie through old jaffo (later also Yannick arrived :) ) This is the wishing bridge, we finaly found it :)

some might remember this mosque from nathalies last travelling thread.

and how they ruined the view with the new hotel.

I took a day in Jerusalem, unfortunately we didn't see too much, but i'm sure i will go back one day.

I guess i don't have to say much about these pictures....



So far pictures from my trip... Live pictures, see Other thread ;)
Yeah, i travelled to Israel.... 9 beautiful days in the holy land. I made my childhood dream come true and visited Jerusalem, and also saw the Accoustic concert of OL. I will put some pictures of my trip here, and add my concert pictures to the Oud-thread.

I must say it was a great time, meeting friends, meeting forum-people, the band of course and all in all it was a really impressive week.

So...I will start on the beach of Bat yam.
Woah, that brings back memories. My grandparents live right across the street from the beach and they have beach view from the window.
i stayed 2 streets from the beach and from the roof balcony you could see the sea, but not the beach.

But anyway we had great sundowns every evening.
for me its only 14days and 15 hours left !!! :)
the pics r awesome! the one of the sky...*sigh*
i always thought you were a nice boy, but now i start to dislike you :(

Have fun, and TAKE PICTURES!!! I miss the holy land me'od!
i always thought you were a nice boy, but now i start to dislike you :(

Have fun, and TAKE PICTURES!!! I miss the holy land me'od!
Don't dislike me, it's my first time outside America:cry:
Paradoxile said:
Enjoy your time here amigo
Of course I will:headbang:
Ollo-San said:
we'll all go to Israel !!!!!!
I'll be here waiting

BTW, does anyone know if it's safe to go to Jericho and Bethlehem?