Online rpg

Tubbs Mcgee said:
Is this a real game or one that you're making up???

That's what I'm REALLY wondering.

And technically, it is an MMORPG if it's only online.

UndoControl said:
You know, 'bloody' as in the british version of 'fucking'. :)

I need a list of whoever wants to play and will take it seriously and not disappear suddenly and freeze the game for everyone else. If there are such people, that is.
what you really fucking need is to have one (or possibly more than one) gamemaster-type person somehow able to actually move the story when a person that's playing a character dissapears (ie people that actually have fucking lives as opposed to the people that are online 24/7)
what you really fucking need is to have one (or possibly more than one) gamemaster-type person somehow able to actually move the story when a person that's playing a character dissapears (ie people that actually have fucking lives as opposed to the people that are online 24/7)
read this all the way through
You do see it is pointless to venture out of the Dark tranquillity boards, correct? All it will get you is arguments. Don't waste your time with these people...

And yes, I'm interested
UndoControl said:
I did. I don't see your fucking point.
the point was that i've seen online RPGs where the gamemaster ISN'T actually able do anything to make up for the fact that a player is unable to continue to play his character so that when a player is at work when all the other players are online, the game starts turning into total crap