Open letter to John Bush

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Feb 13, 2002
The following text was originally posted at


Dear John,
The Internet is a funny thing. Fans of bands have always had unrealistic expectations of the bands they love, and the nature of the Internet has taken this to a whole new level, what with press releases and interviews being released daily and the fans having instant access to everything. Particularly, fans tend to forget that the musicians they worship are real people; they have families, personal lives, and sit on the toilet to take dumps just like the rest of us. All too often fans get caught up in the mantra that what they see of an artist — their albums, shows, interviews, etc — are all that exist for that person, and all too often fans demand musical output in a specific direction, or sometimes just musical output period, forgetting that the people behind this music are, well, just regular people too. It is with this understanding that I urge you to re-join Anthrax for a new album.

We’ve Come For You All is such an amazing album. Every song is solid, start to finish. To me this album represented the culmination of the evolution of Anthrax from the time you joined the band, on through the rest of the ’90s and into the new millenium. From The Sound of White Noise onwards, your writing, lyrics, and especially your voice amazing were a big part of this evolution, saving Anthrax from what would have surely ended up being musical oblivion had they continued on doing what they did with Joey Belladonna. You took Anthrax in directions they never would have imagined, and you managed to keep the band relevant, putting out an album in We’ve Come For You All that stands out as some of the best work the band has ever done.
I fully understand that you’re busy getting on with your own life now and that you aren’t ready to commit to Anthrax. Congratulations on your newly born son. I know that it’s not just as easy as agreeing to write some songs and jam with Anthrax; it’s a big commitment to write, record, promote, tour, etc etc etc, not to mention the monetary issues that I’m sure need to be hammered out. I also totally understand that you wouldn’t want to rejoin Anthrax unless your heart was in it 100%. I get it. It seems from reading this recent interview with Shockwaves that you’re at least open to some future possibility of doing so, but now is just not the time.
So, where all this is going is that I hope you take the time you need to do what you have to do (although personally I can’t imagine how doing voiceover work for Burger King can beat playing to 50,000 people at a summer rock festival!). Rest up, spend some time with the family, and I hope that at some point in the not too distant future you will be ready for another Anthrax record. I don’t think that any other vocalist could do it right. We’ve Come For You All was truly special and you’ve got an open invitation from the band to write a part two. Both Axl and I were shocked when the band announced plans for a reunion tour with Joey Belladonna, thinking it was a big step backwards. I get that you might have been, nay should have been, insulted by that. Now is your chance to make it right by proving the naysayers wrong! I have no doubt that what you can make with Anthrax will be truly incredible. Oh and while you’re at it, get Rob Caggiano to come with you too.

Vince Neilstein
The Sound of White Noise[/I] onwards, your writing, lyrics, and especially your voice amazing were a big part of this evolution, saving Anthrax from what would have surely ended up being musical oblivion had they continued on doing what they did with Joey Belladonna.

So, where all this is going is that I hope you take the time you need to do what you have to do (although personally I can’t imagine how doing voiceover work for Burger King can beat playing to 50,000 people at a summer rock festival!).

I don’t think that any other vocalist could do it right.

1. OK, why did the writer have to take a shot at Joey B.? I don't see why he can't just praise John without trash talking Joey. Seems to be a big problem for some people.

2. Maybe doing a Burger King commercial pays more than playing at a festival? He's got a family to think about.

3. So, no other vocalist in the world can sing Safe Home? Not one? Really? Are you sure about this? John Bush is a great singer, no doubt about it. I have never denied his abilities. However, this comment is just nieve.
I actually kind of like this post. Yeah John has to pay the bills, but his profession is a SINGER (and a damn good one). I hope he would view a new Anthrax record as not just a job, but creating a piece of history and art that will live longer than any of us. Anthrax' music will live on and to be a part of that should be an amazing feeling. My grandkids will be hearing SOWN, V8, and WCFYA, and anything the future holds, long after Anthrax is over. So few artists get to do that, I will never be able to. Metal history doesn't always focus on record sales, it's about integrity and greatness. Anthrax has both and nothing will take that away from them. Please John come back:headbang:
WCFYA is such a great record. I think after all thats gone down I might be affraid to come back and not knock it outta the park with a new record.
If anyone can do it, Anthrax can. They haven't let me down in 20 years. BTW---Open Letter...reference to a great Living Colour song? Damn I was listening to their CD's the other day, still unbelievable, I love this band. Great musicians and songwriters. Anyone else a LC fan?
The following text was originally posted at


Dear John,
The Internet is a funny thing. Fans of bands have always had unrealistic expectations of the bands they love, and the nature of the Internet has taken this to a whole new level, what with press releases and interviews being released daily and the fans having instant access to everything. Particularly, fans tend to forget that the musicians they worship are real people; they have families, personal lives, and sit on the toilet to take dumps just like the rest of us. All too often fans get caught up in the mantra that what they see of an artist — their albums, shows, interviews, etc — are all that exist for that person, and all too often fans demand musical output in a specific direction, or sometimes just musical output period, forgetting that the people behind this music are, well, just regular people too. It is with this understanding that I urge you to re-join Anthrax for a new album.

We’ve Come For You All is such an amazing album. Every song is solid, start to finish. To me this album represented the culmination of the evolution of Anthrax from the time you joined the band, on through the rest of the ’90s and into the new millenium. From The Sound of White Noise onwards, your writing, lyrics, and especially your voice amazing were a big part of this evolution, saving Anthrax from what would have surely ended up being musical oblivion had they continued on doing what they did with Joey Belladonna. You took Anthrax in directions they never would have imagined, and you managed to keep the band relevant, putting out an album in We’ve Come For You All that stands out as some of the best work the band has ever done.
I fully understand that you’re busy getting on with your own life now and that you aren’t ready to commit to Anthrax. Congratulations on your newly born son. I know that it’s not just as easy as agreeing to write some songs and jam with Anthrax; it’s a big commitment to write, record, promote, tour, etc etc etc, not to mention the monetary issues that I’m sure need to be hammered out. I also totally understand that you wouldn’t want to rejoin Anthrax unless your heart was in it 100%. I get it. It seems from reading this recent interview with Shockwaves that you’re at least open to some future possibility of doing so, but now is just not the time.
So, where all this is going is that I hope you take the time you need to do what you have to do (although personally I can’t imagine how doing voiceover work for Burger King can beat playing to 50,000 people at a summer rock festival!). Rest up, spend some time with the family, and I hope that at some point in the not too distant future you will be ready for another Anthrax record. I don’t think that any other vocalist could do it right. We’ve Come For You All was truly special and you’ve got an open invitation from the band to write a part two. Both Axl and I were shocked when the band announced plans for a reunion tour with Joey Belladonna, thinking it was a big step backwards. I get that you might have been, nay should have been, insulted by that. Now is your chance to make it right by proving the naysayers wrong! I have no doubt that what you can make with Anthrax will be truly incredible. Oh and while you’re at it, get Rob Caggiano to come with you too.

Vince Neilstein
100%, I agree with this guy.John is the best singer in Anthrax history,NO DOUBT ABOUT IT!!!W.C.F.Y.A is a masterpiece and he should come back for the new album.SO,PLEASE JOHN COME BACK TO ANTHRAX!!!Thank god they get rid of Belladonna!!!I used to like him back in the 80's(ATL,POT) ,but after hearing Anthrax with Bush on vocals,I coudn't stand Belladonna anymore.
If anyone can do it, Anthrax can. They haven't let me down in 20 years. BTW---Open Letter...reference to a great Living Colour song? Damn I was listening to their CD's the other day, still unbelievable, I love this band. Great musicians and songwriters. Anyone else a LC fan?

They had their ups and downs quality-wise but they wrote some great tunes. "Leave it alone" is a track that often ends up on my work-out playlist.
Just a few words from the author:

Glad you all (for the most part) support what I wrote. Thanks for that. Just a few things I wanted to address based on what you all have been posting.

Firstly, I fully understand that the Burger King gig probably pays well. In fact, this was the entire point of my letter! -- i totally GET that he's got a family, bills to pay, etc. The idea was to write a non-threating, non-obsessive-fan letter requesting he do another Anthrax record because I know it will be amazing. Believe me, I understand he's got a life outside the band.

As far as Joey Belladonna goes, the stuff he did with Anthrax back then was great, but in light of what John Bush has done since, IN MY OPINION having Joey B back in the band for this reunion didn't stand up. It's my opinion -- like an asshole, everybody's got one! Clearly there are other vocalists who can sing "safe home," but it wouldn't sound the same (obviously).

Lastly, as far as Living Colour, as coincidence would have it we just did an "album of the day" post about Stain. We at LOVE this band! Here's the post, from yesterday:

Enjoy! And thanks for reading.

If anyone can do it, Anthrax can. They haven't let me down in 20 years. BTW---Open Letter...reference to a great Living Colour song? Damn I was listening to their CD's the other day, still unbelievable, I love this band. Great musicians and songwriters. Anyone else a LC fan?

What's you favorite color baby? :headbang:
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