Opeth addiction


Neverending dreamer...
Apr 11, 2002
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I don't know about you, but I must say I'm becoming totally addicted to this band. It's so strange, the records must have a cursed power on me or something like that; I simply can't get enough. When blackwater park was out in 2001, I gave it a try, I was in love with the melodies and acoustic parts but the aggressive side kept me out from them for a while. Anyway I've always feel somekind of an attraction towards the hole musical concept...I kept wondering why almost all reviewers call their music beautiful even within the death aspect...So after this cursed year, I gave Opeth another try with my first purchase: Morningrise. This time was the right one, I totally fell in love with both mellow and aggressive aspects of the group. Since then, I've got the entire discography except for My Arms Your Hearse that I can't find anywhere. To be honest, Opeth is currently surpassing my all time favorite band: Pink Floyd...I feel guilty about those words but I can't lie to myself :rolleyes:. Since then, I listen praticly just Opeth...except on rare occasions!

So this is my little story about my Opeth addiction, what's yours?
Well that is great!

Its good that your really getting into the band.

Yeah there was a point when I was totally obsessed with Opeth,and its great. Its nice when your really into something that gives you something positive in return. My obsession lasted for a long period, where I just listened to Opeth all the time,but now not as much as before. But I still play there cd's quite a bit just at a lower frequency.

Man just wait until you get MAYH. It may not really appeal to you at first but once it does your going to be addicted for a LONG time!
Man just wait until you get MAYH. It may not really appeal to you at first but once it does your going to be addicted for a LONG time!

Man don't tell me this, I have a life to live on my own; work, school, girlfriend, etc. etc.
I can't sacrifice all just for Opeth...:cry:
well... :rolleyes:
why not :lol: