Opeth and Christmas


Sep 19, 2004
I think they should either;

-make a Christmas song

-cover a Christmas song (Roy Wizzard or Slade?)

-Or hopefully make a christmas concept album about Scrooge, Mikeal could use his death vocals for Scrooges voice and his clean vocals for the other stuff.

.......thats what I want for Christmas...........
An Opeth concept album is the gift that keeps on giving, at any time of the year! <3
hahah holy shit. mike only has 2 weeks, before the new year, GET TO WORKING.
haver/decadent, please make a fuckin cover for this x-mas album, for the love of god. footy pajamas are the most important thing though.
I still want this to happen. Hopefully one of the the 3 covers they have recorded is Christmas based. :lol:
good thread. i am a big of christmas and it's music and opeth always makes winter that much better. besides the obvious advent track morningrise in general brings back memories of christmas for me.
I think on christmas Id want to wake up to Into the Frost of Winter, or the Leper Affinity. Or an Immortal song. Nice and wintery.