Opeth at The Forum Theatre In Melbourne ticket purchase help?

phagist_ said:
fuck. how strict are they on ID at the forum?
i have me bros learners and he's just 18 + i look like him... will that help?

I dunno about The Forum, but I went to all 3 Opeth shows last time, when I was 16. Two of which were 18+. First night I got in no sweat. Second night I got in no sweat. The only show I was asked for I.D. for was the underage one. But then again, I look 10 years older than I am, so this probably wasn't exactly any help to you.

@ Ditch, really, I don't care.
phagist_ said:
fuck. how strict are they on ID at the forum?
i have me bros learners and he's just 18 + i look like him... will that help?

Try it. I doubt they'll check very thoroughly with hundreds of fans pressing to get in.
Go with your bros ID man, worked for me at Arch Enemy in Sydney, and I don't really look that much like my brother, haha.
Yes two 18+ shows is the best thing ever!!!!!!! Won't have any annoying kids at the front of the mosh saying "no don't push me please stop it hurts". :D

2 18+ shows in Melbourne? doesn't make sense to me. Can someone confirm this? I would have thought they have an overage and underage show either night due to Vic's silly licenced venue laws. If it's true, this is good news for me, as I can go to both shows! :)