Opeth cds - I have them all now and...


Logic Dictates
Oct 20, 2001
Pittsburgh, Pa
I have finally listened to them all now...and I mean over and over and over. In fact, they are still the only group that I have been listening to for over 2 months now, at least.

About their cds...

First - they are all excellent.

Second - I can sure hear how they evolved since their first two cds.

Third - I have a favorite...it is still My Arms Your Hearse. I believe it to be their best because to me, it is the most complete cd of them all and what a closing number!

I enjoy the earlier sound of the first 2 and the newer sound of the last 2 - MAYH seems to have the best qualities of both of those sounds.

I rank their cds in this order...

1. My Arms Your Hearse
2. Orchid, Morningrise, BlackWater Park
3. Still Life

Just MO.
I still can't get over the production on MAYH. I don't like the sound.. It's the only thing keeping me from really enjoying the album. I loved the sound on the first two albums though.
Originally posted by The Suicider
I still can't get over the production on MAYH. I don't like the sound.. It's the only thing keeping me from really enjoying the album. I loved the sound on the first two albums though.

I can't hear anything wrong with the production, like Morningrise, once you get to know it and get used to the feel its done pretty damn well :confused:
It's very frustrating for me to listen to MAYH sometimes.. Other times it's fine.. But overall I still haven't gotten used to that muffled (??) type of sound on the rhythm guitars. The lead guitars don't stand out enough as well.. aw hell, I should probably just check my ears. Am I the only one who feels this way about MAYH? The guitars on every other Opeth cd just kick you in the face whereas on MAYH they just sound less energetic.
Congratulations! I have yet to get 3 more that I'm missing, but I think that even if I get them, I'll still love MAYH the best, since it was the first album I heard of them.
I, like so many of you, am a newbie fan. Not a year has passed since the brilliance of Opeth penetrated my unexpected ears :)
I have all of their releases and I´m faced with a bit of a problem, it´s like a bottleneck effect, all of the albums in front of me and I listen to a little bit of this and a little bit of that, it´s like trying to squeese five objects through a tight space which only fits one of those objects at the same time :confused: And to greaten my dilemma, the double cd is on it´s way :eek: It will be while until I can appreciate Opeth fully, well it´s not like it´s any chore to listen to Opeth!
On my car stereo, when I listen to their first 2 cds, I have to turn the bass up or push the loudness button in....but when I put on MAYH, I have to turn the bass down. To me, their first 2 cds seem to be lacking in the deep bass sound of the other 3.

Mayh - What I did, was listen to them one at a time over and over until I "learned" each one. I had Morningrise for about 2/3 weeks before I even listened to it because I was still listening to Orchid.

As for Sentenced, after posting this yesterday, I blew the dust off of my Amok cd and for the first time in a loooong time listened to something else besides Opeth. But on the way into work this morning after I finished Amok, I popped back in MAYH.
Adjust your stereo man! :p I don't find anything too agitating about it's sound. It is different than the rest, but I never took it in a bad way. I don't know. MAYH and Orchid are gnawing at each other neck and neck for my favorite right now. They have been for some time. I liked MAYH first then Orchid abducted me, yet I can't let go of how much I like MAYH.

Oh, congrats on finally getting all their releases. Listen to one at a time. Change each day if you want. I got so hooked on it right away I didn't switch until the week was over. :grin: I knew I was in trouble when I noticed I had the same one in over a month once. OK, maybe twice.

Granted you a hollow stare.
Another soul within the divine herd.
Nothing about any of their works agitate me. I am just noting the fact that on their first 2 cds, the bass is does not have a fuller sound as does the rest. :)

Didn't they changed bass players after Morningrise? Maybe that is the reason.

"Oh, congrats on finally getting all their releases. Listen to one at a time. Change each day if you want. I got so hooked on it right away I didn't switch until the week was over. I knew I was in trouble when I noticed I had the same one in over a month once. OK, maybe twice."

I know exactly what you mean, for I have done the same.