OPETH clones

April Ethereal-Advent....Do these guys have an original bone in their bodies???? That is ridiculous...I suppose their next album will be called The Funeral Portrait, or maybe Serenity Painted Death....Jackasses!
I don't want to say we sound absolutely nothing like them, but any similarities are basically coincidence. We're not a clone of anyone, though some would like to argue otherwise. Most of the bands that people accuse us of stealing from or copying, alot of people dont realise that we have been around as long or longer than those bands. I think alot of times its a matter of us having similar musical influences as those other band's songwriters. Opeth being no exception....

I love Opeth and think they're brilliant. But the factors that make us similar to them musically (i.e. heavy & clean vocals, diminished & minor chord strumming over 3/4 time rhythms, etc.) have been prevalent in our songwriting for years and years now, since before Eric and I started listening to Opeth. I listen to alot of progressive music, as well as death, black , doom, etc., so I think that inevitably it presents itself in similar ways in my songwriting as it does in Opeth's.

Besides, noone can truly clone Opeth, they have a signature feel in their playing that is all their own. Hopefully they'll continue to give us great music for a long time to come.
Originally posted by _Transparent_

Forest Of Shadows - i really like them, they're both musicaly and lyricaly alike to Opeth...almost too alike i say...

Are you sure you don't mean Garden of Shadows? Not sure if it's a different band or not because GoS is similar to Opeth musically, a bit I guess. Haven't even read their lyrics though, but I love 'em, hah.
Originally posted by Downfall
That's a pretty harsh accusation made by a guy who has only had the possibility to hear up to 4 songs by us...

please hold your name-calling 'till the album comes out and then you'll get to say what ever's on your mind. Of course we are willing to receive criticism any time but I don't think you meant this that way...?

The same goes for Thales.

Well, I don't think Farmakon is at all an Opeth clone, rip-off, wannabe or anything at all like that. Sure, there may be some influence from Opeth and many other bands (but you're music fans, influences aren't avoidable), but you guys really are quite unique which is a rare thing these days.
I do, however, thing Rapture is very similar to early Opeth and Katatonia, and actually, early Opeth and Katatonia had quite a few similarities as well.
I disagree with many of these clone accusations. The keyword for me is invention, and that simply does not come easily. The next time you have some to kill, sit down, reflect, and concentrate to invent something new. I'll wager 9.9 times out of 10 you come up with nothing. As has been said ad nauseaum, influence is unavoidable, that's the distinction to be made in my opinion as well.
Originally posted by Novembers Paul
I'll have to disagree with you on this one. We sound nothing like Opeth. We may fit in the same genre, but we're FAR from a Opeth clone.
Hey Paul, I have 2 Novembers Doom albums: Amid its Hallowed Mirth and The Knowing. I feel the first one sounds absolutely NOTHING like Opeth. Very different in every respect. The Knowing, well, it has both clean and death vocals, but that is no reason to call a band a clone.

I personally think Novembers Doom are more in the vein of My Dying Bride, in the way they're on the romantic side of doom metal. I know you guys thanked them in your CD liner notes and all, and you're no clone of MDB, but I feel you were greatly influenced by them, directly or indirectly.

Oh, The Knowing rules by the way. It's beautiful. Paul, you're a great lyricist.

Greetings to you and your band from Istanbul, Turkey!

NP: Agalloch - Pale Folklore
Originally posted by Mezarkabul
Hey Paul, I have 2 Novembers Doom albums: Amid its Hallowed Mirth and The Knowing. I feel the first one sounds absolutely NOTHING like Opeth. Very different in every respect. The Knowing, well, it has both clean and death vocals, but that is no reason to call a band a clone.

I personally think Novembers Doom are more in the vein of My Dying Bride, in the way they're on the romantic side of doom metal. I know you guys thanked them in your CD liner notes and all, and you're no clone of MDB, but I feel you were greatly influenced by them, directly or indirectly.

Oh, The Knowing rules by the way. It's beautiful. Paul, you're a great lyricist.

Greetings to you and your band from Istanbul, Turkey!

NP: Agalloch - Pale Folklore

I understand exactly what you mean, but in all honesty, the writers in the band, don't listen to MDB, and Eric never has. He doesn't own a single MDB CD, and actually doesn't care for them much. It's all about popularity. We have been around as long, if not longer then Opeth and MDB, but due to geographical location, and poor label choices on our part, they rose to popularity before we did, so we will always be compared to these bands. Check out our demos from 1989. Very slow, doom/death. It's very hard for any bands these day to be "original", because you always get lumped into a comparison with bands in the genre, and it's always the same 3 or 4 bands. It's no wonder bands get frustrated, and give up, and the only people that lose, are the fans who are now missing out on some great music. Bedroom Journalists, who do a shitty xeroxed zine out there moms house, only to receive free CDs are a HUGE part of the problem. If I had a dollar for every email I get with someone asking me ot send them a free CD, so they can review it in a zine no ones ever heard of, I'd be loaded. Don't get me wrong, there are some amazing zines out there, and they know how the game works. You send in a request to the bands record label, and asked to be put on the promo list, you dont pester the band. And if it comes off as defensive, try being in a band for over 10 years, and on your 6th release, you draw the same comparisons as you did from your 1st release, when the two sound nothing alike.

But anyway, it's all a small price to pay to actually do something you love. Thanks for the kind words as well!