Opeth Devil Worshippers?

Are Akercocke really Satanists? I don't know anything about them apart from having seen that video of them being interviewed on the Irish TV show, and they didn't seem to convey any kind of seriousness about their beliefs at all there.
It's pretty hard to be serious about anything when speaking with a lot of people from Northern Ireland.

"I think the band should not come to Northern Ireland at all ... to be honest, you're just evil looking" :lol:
A little off topic, but I find it hilarious when "metal headz" and other "rebels" claim that they worship Satan and hail him and hate God and Christianity for all its stands.
The reason I find it funny is that Satan was created by the church to scare the "pagans" away from what they believed. If you believe in Satan, you believe in Christianity and propagate its ignorant existence.

Come ooooon, Satan is just a symbol. It's not like those guys, like Akercocke for instance, believe in a bloody horned creature living under the surface of the earth who do evil things and collects souls. Satanism is way more diverse and complex than that in most cases. Stupid yes, but not THAT stupid.
Come ooooon, Satan is just a symbol. It's not like those guys, like Akercocke for instance, believe in a bloody horned creature living under the surface of the earth who do evil things and collects souls. Satanism is way more diverse and complex than that in most cases. Stupid yes, but not THAT stupid.

That still doesn't change the fact that Satanism was conceived primarily as a way to spite Christianity, and not because the originators of it had any intention of making a serious spirituality out of it.
this thread will probably turn nasty soon so why dont we all just agree that opeth is not satanists.:loco: :loco: :loco: :loco:
That still doesn't change the fact that Satanism was conceived primarily as a way to spite Christianity, and not because the originators of it had any intention of making a serious spirituality out of it.

Ofcourse not, they just turbo-atheists. Most Satanists are just anti-Christians, nothing spiritual about that at all.
If there's 1, there ahs to be the other. Its just a matter of who you'd rather side with.

Would you rather reign in hell with the horned lord? Or Serve in heaven with 'God'?

Personally i'd rather walk the golden halls of valhalla, but thats me.
If there's 1, there ahs to be the other. Its just a matter of who you'd rather side with.

Wow - that's deep, man. :loco:

Would you rather reign in hell with the horned lord? Or Serve in heaven with 'God'?

Personally i'd rather walk the golden halls of valhalla, but thats me.

Since when does anyone get to "reign" in Hell in the afterlife? I'm pretty sure that defeats the purpose of going there. The whole "reign in Hell" line is just some bullshit that Satanists came up with to make their "religion" sound cool.

At any rate, it doesn't matter, because none of that shit exists.
This thread is retarded, just watch interviews where dumb-fuck journalists call him a satanist. He explains everything in it. He decided to do the occult themes in Ghost Reveries because it has to do with the style of music they make and it interests him. He says flat out in the interview that he is an atheist and the subject intrigues him. Do your research before you make a post. Most Opeth songs are about death, nature, humanity, and so forth. Calling Opeth satanists because of a subject he chose for a record is stupid. Go to some dumb-ass black metal forum and post your opinions.
Since when does anyone get to "reign" in Hell in the afterlife? I'm pretty sure that defeats the purpose of going there. The whole "reign in Hell" line is just some bullshit that Satanists came up with to make their "religion" sound cool.

At any rate, it doesn't matter, because none of that shit exists.

Nobody knows for sure if it exists or not. If you believe one thing or another it is based on the faith that it is true. Nothing is proven. There may not be a big dude in the sky and a red dude under the ground, but that doesn't mean there's nothing at all, there could be something else entirely. There could be re-incarnation, there could be just anything, the possibilities are endless because the universe is universal. You can believe what you want and at the end of the day, you won't know if you're right until you're dead, and even then, you still might not know if there is infact nothing at the end of life on earth, but as i said.... nobody knows for sure.
You can believe what you want and at the end of the day, you won't know if you're right until you're dead, and even then, you still might not know if there is infact nothing at the end of life on earth, but as i said.... nobody knows for sure.

I think life after death an idea created by humans because of the fear of death. Think about it; life is based on survival and as animals, we tend to think and do things subconsciously to keep us alive. I'm not saying the idea of life after death necessarily helps us survive, but I believe it's the result of defense mechanisms (such as denial) which kinda keep our mind intact. With that said, the members of Opeth definitely worship Satan (except for Per: the Wiberg family is known for their strong ties with fundamental Christianity).
I think life after death an idea created by humans because of the fear of death. Think about it; life is based on survival and as animals, we tend to think and do things subconsciously to keep us alive. I'm not saying the idea of life after death necessarily helps us survive, but I believe it's the result of defense mechanisms (such as denial) which kinda keep our mind intact. With that said, the members of Opeth definitely worship Satan (except for Per: the Wiberg family is known for their strong ties with fundamental Christianity).

Yeah, well when you think about it, all religion and science is man made, but that doesn't really mean that either is correct or incorrect, and there's certain things you can look at that suggest that they can co-exist and often times even correlate and intertwine with themselves.

Some people have the idea that scientists are all athiests and that the ones that aren't are bias and shouldn't be allowed to practice withing the scientific community, but there's evidence that suggests that there are unknown factors in the universe such as electricity, dark matter, and.... GOD *gasp* now what anybody beleives is truly of no consequence at the end of the day, because nothing of what anybody on the planet in the history of mankind believes about life, death, the afterlife, and the great nothingness that is claimed awaits us all has EVER been proven.

I myself don't beleive either argument based simply on the fact that there are no facts. If there's a God and heaven, awesome, i hope they let me play guitar if i go there, if there's a Devil and Hell, awesome i hope they let me play guitar if i go there, if there's nothing, then i'll never know and it won't matter.

Personally though, i kinda hope there is something after, because it would be pretty sweet when you think about it. Imagine Heaven was real and you got to go there, and you could jam with Randy, Jimi, Dime, and Cliff, talk modal theory with beethoven, shred while paganini plays violin, and create mad harmonies with Schuldiner.

It would be pretty awesome, and i don't think anyone can deny that.
Athiests beleive there's no God, no afterlife, nothing after you die. That may be true also. Who knows? they sure as hell don't, because if they did there would be no religion in the world. And what makes them smarter than the average Christian or Jew? nothing.
Alot of them base their beleifs on scientific principles, but there's no scientific evidence that denies the existence of a supreme deity or spiritual realm, there's only theory, and theory alone means NOTHING. Athiests... beleive what you want, but YOU ARE NOT SCIENTISTS!!!

Nobody has the answers, and as far as i can tell, nobody ever will. There's so much fucking bullshit happening in the world, and has happened in the world since people could walk and grunt at the same time, about religion, God, and the whole deal, but nobody knows. Athiests versus religion, religion versus religion, and what for? at the end of the day it solves nothing and causes more conflict, which ultimately will cause the human race to collapse and destroy itself, which is where the theistic satanists come into play... because they will claim that it is the work of their supreme ruler Lucifer, but, like all people warped by their own sickening beleifs, they'll be all but too ignorant that it was themselves and every other person on this planet that caused it to happen. And i for one don't wanna be around when it does, whether i'm in Heaven, Hell, or the great black unknown, atleast i know i won't have to put up with anymore shit.
Yeah, well when you think about it, all religion and science is man made, but that doesn't really mean that either is correct or incorrect, and there's certain things you can look at that suggest that they can co-exist and often times even correlate and intertwine with themselves.

Some people have the idea that scientists are all athiests and that the ones that aren't are bias and shouldn't be allowed to practice withing the scientific community, but there's evidence that suggests that there are unknown factors in the universe such as electricity, dark matter, and.... GOD *gasp* now what anybody beleives is truly of no consequence at the end of the day, because nothing of what anybody on the planet in the history of mankind believes about life, death, the afterlife, and the great nothingness that is claimed awaits us all has EVER been proven.

I myself don't beleive either argument based simply on the fact that there are no facts. If there's a God and heaven, awesome, i hope they let me play guitar if i go there, if there's a Devil and Hell, awesome i hope they let me play guitar if i go there, if there's nothing, then i'll never know and it won't matter.

Personally though, i kinda hope there is something after, because it would be pretty sweet when you think about it. Imagine Heaven was real and you got to go there, and you could jam with Randy, Jimi, Dime, and Cliff, talk modal theory with beethoven, shred while paganini plays violin, and create mad harmonies with Schuldiner.

It would be pretty awesome, and i don't think anyone can deny that.
Athiests beleive there's no God, no afterlife, nothing after you die. That may be true also. Who knows? they sure as hell don't, because if they did there would be no religion in the world. And what makes them smarter than the average Christian or Jew? nothing.
Alot of them base their beleifs on scientific principles, but there's no scientific evidence that denies the existence of a supreme deity or spiritual realm, there's only theory, and theory alone means NOTHING. Athiests... beleive what you want, but YOU ARE NOT SCIENTISTS!!!

Nobody has the answers, and as far as i can tell, nobody ever will. There's so much fucking bullshit happening in the world, and has happened in the world since people could walk and grunt at the same time, about religion, God, and the whole deal, but nobody knows. Athiests versus religion, religion versus religion, and what for? at the end of the day it solves nothing and causes more conflict, which ultimately will cause the human race to collapse and destroy itself, which is where the theistic satanists come into play... because they will claim that it is the work of their supreme ruler Lucifer, but, like all people warped by their own sickening beleifs, they'll be all but too ignorant that it was themselves and every other person on this planet that caused it to happen. And i for one don't wanna be around when it does, whether i'm in Heaven, Hell, or the great black unknown, atleast i know i won't have to put up with anymore shit.

Umm, science is NOT made up by humans. If it can be physically proven it's real as shit my friend, lol. You have a good point that there's no scientific evidence that there's no supreme being, but, there's also no scientific evidence that there IS a supreme being, and I say if it can't be proven as real, fuck it, lol.

There's a really good example referred to as "The Painting" or "The Building". Some people believe that if there's a painting it's scientific proof that there was or is a painter, the same goes for a building, there must be a builder right? Wrong, all that proves is that there is a painting and there is a building, the reason we know there is a painter or a builder is because we can go talk to the painter/builder or someone who knew the painter/builder, there's the proof. People try to apply this logic to everything else, there's all this "creation" around us so there must be a "creator", well isn't the "creator" a "creation" too? So who created the "creator"? That's called 'circular reasoning'....and it's fucking retarded :p