Opeth footage coming soon, link inside

well bitches it was nice making fun of ya'll, now i have to go get cleaned up, pussy is on the menu tonight fuckers
Ten SiSi said:
well bitches it was nice making fun of ya'll, now i have to go get cleaned up, pussy is on the menu tonight fuckers

by pussy he means his hand...!!!......hahaha........PEAC EOUT
Yes, many thumbs up to whoever started this. What a way to spend my Saturday afternoon.

I feel bad for all that are missing this. Imagine visiting OpethForum 2 hours from now & scrolling through this thread. Man that would suck giant balls
derbeder said:
kirk is not sucking at the solo... lars is keeping up... wtf!!

see things can cahnge.....that solo is good...!!!...im sure these guys are still at teh top of thier gae....jsut liek to slack off at times...hahahhaa...........PEAC EOUT
Ten SiSi said:
actually im going to come on the dot in the middle of your mom's forehead

hahaha.........!!!....theres no such thing.....hahaha.....u mean ure mom's insect infested mung inducing VAGINA..!!!.........PEAC EOUT
opeth8 said:
Yes, many thumbs up to whoever started this. What a way to spend my Saturday afternoon.

I feel bad for all that are missing this. Imagine visiting OpethForum 2 hours from now & scrolling through this thread. Man that would suck giant balls

I agree , I wouldn't suck my balls but I would be really depressed :DAnd this must be record. Fastest thread ever.
If they come back out after this I doubt they're gonna do anything from St. Anger, maybe they'll encore with something from RTL or AJFA, or maybe Seek?
Encore fellas ???

Maybe Enter Sandman or One

I say the 1st followed by Sad But True
they had better recorded this or something. much better than some of the other recordings of the songs.