Opeth footage coming soon, link inside

An Absent Friend said:
Maybe if he would play Steel and stuff live would :D

i dont knwo...i jsut cant piucture Mike doin all that punk-rock stuff u know...jumpin adn dancing...hahahah....!!!!......PEAC EOUT
opeth8 said:
Don't threaten us with a new album. Just keep doing shows like this one

hahahha....!!!.......i remember whenShit.angr was upposed ot be comin out...adn there was all this Hoopla...adn I bought into it....porlly the worst 15$ I spent....hahahha..........though I still love the ol skool tallica....so is opeth comin on or no..??.......PEAC EOUT
:D Yeah but try , when you need to laugh :D Mike crashin the drums and stuff , sayin damn too much kebab :D Peter crashin his Les paul :D

Great show.
An Absent Friend said:
:D Yeah but try , when you need to laugh :D Mike crashin the drums and stuff , sayin damn too much kebab :D Peter crashin his Les paul :D

Great show.

hahahha..........i cant even picture that....well I can...adn yeah it def. a funny picture...hahaha....PEAC EOUT
ok now...theres some black dude singign some punk rock...what badn is that...??.....PEAC EOUT
im out of this thread now...ill be back if in flames or opeth coem ...@@@.........PEAC EOUT
Not the dumbass Canadian again.

Will some German plz beat this guy.

Opeth, Opeth, Opeth !!!!!!!!