Opeth footage coming soon, link inside

hmm...is he emo/screamo...coz metalheads dont do ties...!!!......im back to wathcin it..hopefully they'll do cloud connected, metaphor or moonshiled...!!!.....PEAC EOUT
I don't listen to In Flames.

But you guys need to shut up about the tie business. And all other of your stupid purist metal attitudes. I hope that was a joke when waz said metalheads don't do ties. How about everyone just do whatever the fuck they feel like? I thought that was what rock was supposed to be about, not giving a fuck and doing what you want. So let the man wear a tie if he so desires and stop judging him.
I wish I hadn't gone to see them last year. It total destroys your preconcieved notions of how awesome they are. For a while, you convince yourself that it was great, but a few months down the line you can't even recall half the songs they played.

In Flames is officially dead, and had been since at least "Soundtrack"

However..Cloud Connected :)

Anders could wear a tutu for all I care, to be honest that would probably be more interesting.