Opeth for homework?

Haggard Grin

New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2004
Hey, I have this upcoming project due for my english class. We have to bring in a song and explain what it's about. I am having a hard time deciding what would be the best song to bring in, I was thinking something from Still Life or MAYH since they are so dark. He's a big Tool fan so he will probably appreciate it no matter what song I choose. Anyway, any suggestions would be :cool:. Oh, and song length doesn't matter, unless it's Black Rose Immortal, that's just a tad too long. Thanks.
my music teacher liked bleak, but if its for lyrical interpretation, there are songs that are well.. more "interpretable" than that one.

if you want to show the musical diversity of opeth to someone who never heard death metal vocals try something like dirge for november or the drapery falls.
Growling doesn't matter because we're required to print out copies of the lyrics. So yeah, basically it's only lyric based, but I'm sure he'd enjoy a lot of the guitar work. :)
I did MAYH for my English class project..

Welll if you want good lyrics, definitely: KARMA.

If you want good music, clean vocals brutal vocals, definitely: BLEAK

but i'll definitely change my mind every 5 mins.. any opeth song is good, except Orchid album, their lyrics are too complicated :D

ps: by the pain i see in others has great lyrics as well.. oh or April Ethereal,,or even Blackwater Park.// :D
Use the song that inspired your user name, Serendipity Painted Death. You can point out that while the death metal growl is often a stylistic choice for vocalists in the genre, in this song, the growl is extremely evocative of the emotions of loss and grief. Mike's vocals (..."no longer by my side", "each and everyone would die at my hand"...) are a form of catharsis. The music itself portrays, in all its ferocity and brutality, inner turmoil, yet the beauty of the clean parts suggest conflict between guilt and sadness.

Good luck with your assignment.
I'd definitely go with something from Still Life... it has my favourite lyrics of any Opeth album (I'm a sucker for concept albums, and SL edges MAYH by a bit for me).

I'd probably go with Face of Melinda for the sheer beauty and also the all clean vocals make it more acessible to the audience you're playing it for, but then Serenity Painted Death has my favourite lyrics from the album, always has, and some of them are more than a little vague... so it'd be fun to interpret, IMHO. My question is where do you find schools with such openended and cool projects?
If I'm not too late for input, I'd say maybe Deliverance or Demon Of The Fall. They're perhaps easier to interpret, depends what you're really after. Other than those, Serenity Painted Death is (as others have said) a good one.

BUT...don't forget there are other bands than Opeth that have deep lyrics also. The Deepest Of All Hearts by My Dying Bride is a good one for lyrical interpretations, as I've noticed two possibilities. I first listened to Tiamat the other day, and the song Divided has quite deep lyrics.

i would definitely suggest In Flames: Pinball Map.

In all seriousness, I did something similar, only I had to bring in a song that was an exposition of creativity. Since Black Rose Immortal was too long, i brought in Masters Apprentices, and showed specifically the acoustic midsection. I've found that people don't appreciate this music, because after i showed it, some stupid hippie wannabe said it was about Noah's Ark (as a joke), and for something I take so seriously, I wanted to leap over the desk and break her jaw. I think i actually did physically threaten her, perhaps in those exact words. In the end, the population is not ready for Opeth.
Necramentia said:
i would definitely suggest In Flames: Pinball Map.

In all seriousness, I did something similar, only I had to bring in a song that was an exposition of creativity. Since Black Rose Immortal was too long, i brought in Masters Apprentices, and showed specifically the acoustic midsection. I've found that people don't appreciate this music, because after i showed it, some stupid hippie wannabe said it was about Noah's Ark (as a joke), and for something I take so seriously, I wanted to leap over the desk and break her jaw. I think i actually did physically threaten her, perhaps in those exact words. In the end, the population is not ready for Opeth.

That's very true. That's why I'd suggest something a bit mellower...or not so much mellow, just something that isn't quite so um...brutal? You'd also want something with meaningful lyrics, hence my suggestion of My Dying Bride - The Deepest Of All Hearts as I've noticed it has lyrics which could be interpreted in more than one way.

There's plenty of songs I'm sure, but that's all that springs to mind at the moment.