opeth has signed with roadrunner now!

As BLABBERMOUTH.NET first reported on April 18, OPETH mainman Mikael Åkerfeldt has now officially confirmed to MTV.com that the band have finalized a deal with New York's Roadrunner Records, bolstering an imposing roster that already includes KILLSWITCH ENGAGE, SLIPKNOT, OBITUARY and CRADLE OF FILTH.
Except for Obituary, I would never mention Opeth in the same sentence with those other bands :(
And since when does MTV cover Opeth? :erk:

Åkerfeldt disclosed several details about the band's forthcoming, self-produced opus. The follow-up to 2003's acoustic masterpiece, "Damnation", and OPETH's first disc in years without producer Steve Wilson, the album will include "Ghost of Tradition", "The Baying of the Hounds" and "Isolation Years".

Not realy the strongest of song titles I supose, but can't judge a CD by it's song names...

"Musically, 'Damnation' was an experiment for us," Åkerfeldt told MTV.com. "It also helped us to develop our sound. So this time around, you can say the overall record is going to be heavy-sounding. There's also a couple of songs that are more in the style of 'Damnation', so to speak. We also have a new member in the band, our keyboard player, Per Wiberg. So we have some vintage keyboards this time around on the heavy material as well. Overall, this one is heavy."

more in the style of Damnation? Tought they wouldn't do those kind of songs anymore.. or so they said

Åkerfeldt said OPETH will finish the record before month's end and expect to release it as early as late August. He also said they'll play some new material this summer as part of the inaugural Sounds of the Underground tour.

"We've never done anything like [a festival tour] before, but this is a new thing, so we're excited," he said. "It's a good chance to reach out to people who've never heard from us. I'm also looking forward to seeing STRAPPING YOUNG LAD and CLUTCH perform. Many of the bands on the tour I've never heard of."
ok if Opeth added per as a keyboard member...I highly doubt they're going to do something like Bleeding Through...it's gonna be a more interesting Opeth.
I'm REALLY interested in the new album now. I mean, I was before as well, but with Per joining full time, and a new label, it's just gonna be interesting to hear if RR is gonna fuck this one up. I hope not.

I can't say much until we hear some music, guess i'll let you guys know after SOTU in MA. Should be interesting, to say the least.
Yeah I'm not too big on those song titles either, although Baying of the Hounds is kinda cool. I'm a little nervous about the album now, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I'm sure Opeth won't disappoint, though.

this cannot be. if theres one thing that could have fucked up Opeth...
Well, lets not jump to conclusions..Just think, wouldn't you feel bad for saying this shit if it turned out to be the best album they've made? It doesn't have to be a bad thing. Even though you're not satisfied with them signing with roadrunner, or you don't like some of the songtitles, it doesn't mean it's gonna be a bad album. Wait and see before you judge them.