opeth has signed with roadrunner now!

atrocity said:
and I dont want them to become an Opeth fan in just "one" day because they will gain popularity.
Don't worry.
If they just listen to them because it's a trend and not because they really dig the music they will soon disappear again.
If not, it's a win cause they got hooked.

So Opeth are in a win/win situation.
T3hLep4rAffinity said:
Keyword: Pantera

eh, i'd say CFH and VDOP have different tones from each other
and also the tone changed again for FBD, but they held a very similar tone for TGST and RTS.

Alternative 3 said:
Hey I saw Pantera in 2001, kicked fuckin ass. I think I grew out of phils negativity though.

fuck yeah dude. hands down one of the best bands i've seen. phil is a douche, but i still like his vocal style. also, if you've never heard the band Down, check em out. Phil's old side project.

@moonlapse, i was gonna quote that idiot from the forum too, and note his username.... "bodom j" :lol:
<crimson> said:
fuck yeah dude. hands down one of the best bands i've seen. phil is a douche, but i still like his vocal style. also, if you've never heard the band Down, check em out. Phil's old side project.

Down is one of the reasons I hate Phil, he should be making records with these mofo's not Sjr which licks balls. Down II kicks ass.
Alternative 3 said:
Down is one of the reasons I hate Phil, he should be making records with these mofo's not Sjr which licks balls. Down II kicks ass.

haha why do you hate phil because of down, if down is good?..i hate SJR for being shit, and for him wanting to that and not Down, but oh well.
down II does kick ass, but i like NOLA more.
Alternative 3 said:
Phil has an underground complex, if a band he makes gets successful he eventually bails out.

yeah, he's a faggot like that. he thinks he's such a badass :lol:

this picture says it all:

opethkorn said:
Yeah, because Opeth sucked before he came along, right? :Smug:

I don't know what to make of this... I respect Mikael's reasoning for making the choice, and ultimately, it was his choice (along with the rest of the band), and no-one elses. Distribution can be a pain in the arse, so for him to say "when all is said and done I want our album to be available everywhere", that's fine. I know people who still can't find Still Life, even though it's been rereleased 2 times already. But, the mindless kids who'll get into Opeth now and listen to them in between Chimaira and Slipknot is a slight concern. This is hardly a large issue, though, by any means. People who worry about Opeth changing their sound to appeal to these, though, are worrying about nothing.

By the way, what's with all the analysis of the song titles? Who the fuck cares! If the songs were called I, II, III, etc, would it be any less of an album?
Yeah, I got the vibe that Mike was a bit pissed off whilst writing that. I think it's natural for people to jump to conclusions in a situation like this, especially since all we were going on for a while there were rumours, and the band wouldn't confirm anything.

If he wants less barking, maybe he should hold our hands more frequently :)
Damn. Just waded through this whole thread, lol.

My quick and useless opinion: The new album is going to rule. Opeth rules, they have yet to dissapoint me, and I"m convinced that joing RR will do nothing whatsoever to alter their sound in a negative way.

Mikael knows what he's doing, we all know how long he agonized over this decision, and in the end he picked what was best for the band and it's music. Leave it at that.

Mikael - Thanks for the post! Cannot wait to get the new album, and see you on tour again!
Mikael Åkerfeldt said:
Hand on heart do you truly believe we'd compromize our sounds for anyone or anything? I'd bitchslap any outsider trying to interfere with our vibes!

Hope you're good by the way! I'm doing vocals (screams) and solos (cock rock style) today and one song is mixed.
if any reassurance is needed (and its not), this is it right here folks.

ps: trey your sig has cactuar spelled wrong you untr00 FF fan.