opeth has signed with roadrunner now!

Let's face it, there are some people on here that would complain about any signing other than Relapse (which I have never understood the attraction of).

The facts are that there will be a new CD, like it or hate it, make up your own mind. All this whinging is pathetic.

You may or may not approve of the business strategies off RR over the years, but they seem to be more on the ball now than they have for the last few years. I was impressed with their signing of The Agony Scene, I am hopeful that the news about Opeth is going to be the continuation of a promising direction.

Bring on the new CD and tour... I cannot wait!
Thing is, even if this album is shit( im not saying it will be, they have always had at least one decent song ) you wouldnt be able to blame this on roadrunner, as roadrunner have had nothing to do with the creative process of this album its been all opeth, we shall see what happens next time round, and hey if opeth deside that roadrunner isnt the label for them then they will change, just like they have done previously. we dont know what sort of contract they have made, but i dont care, ill buy any Opeth album that comes out, because they are a band that actualy deserve money.
What is with all these panties getting in knots on here... I can't wait for this album now. Who cares what the songs are called? It's not like moonlapse vertigo even really means anything. Keyboards: awesome. Heavy: awesome. Late august: awesome.
This is going to be interesting. I think Opeth is about to undergo some huge changes; namely this album sounds like it's going to be something very different, and there's also going to be a crapload of new fans over the next two years or so. Who knows if it's going to be good or bad, but you're not going to get the whole "underground band" feel that you've had in the past years, and if that is what's most important to you then you might as well move along to another band.

PS: the entire star wars franchise sucks.
I didn't have any doubts until I read all of the "what-if" and bullshit negative thoughts coming from some of you guys. It sounds silly, but now I realize... that I have faith in the band and can be at ease awaiting for the new album; because I don't think they WANT to change their sound and have crappy chorus sections over and over again, with a solo then an outro. I think they will continue to surprise us, with amazing melodies.

I can't wait to learn the whole album on drums. Hopefully, Lopez didn't play his hardest, then I'll have to bust my ass. But worse than that, hopefully he didn't do simple shit the whole time.

I love you no matter what you do Martin L

(Not gay)

The thing im most worried about is the publicity of opeth, cuz after all, Mikael said once in an interview, and i quote "The day Opeth hits mainstream is the day that Opeth dies" so im kinda uneasy about what will happen with opeth signing to a label that has a bunch of nu metal bands.
Goober said:
The thing im most worried about is the publicity of opeth, cuz after all, Mikael said once in an interview, and i quote "The day Opeth hits mainstream is the day that Opeth dies" so im kinda uneasy about what will happen with opeth signing to a label that has a bunch of nu metal bands.

There really is nothing to worry about. Opeth is mainstream metal, but they will never be truly mainstream. Plus, holding somebody to a quote like that is dangerous in regards to your image of them. Who knows when he said that, exactly what he meant by it, etc. Just be thankful that a bigger label gives them greater distribution, all they've done is make it easier for you to get their album people!
i don't give a shit what label they're on. mike chose it for a reason, his and the band's reason, and that's good enough.

in my opinion, the new song titles are fucking cool. i'm pretty damn psyched to hear the album.
<crimson> said:
i don't give a shit what label they're on. mike chose it for a reason, his and the band's reason, and that's good enough.

in my opinion, the new song titles are fucking cool. i'm pretty damn psyched to hear the album.
Roadrunner is hardly a mainstream label, maybe it just seems mainstream compared to real extreme metal bands. Slipknot and Nickleback are like the only mainstream bands on there...it's not like the whole world knows of Obituary or some of those other metalcore bands. If it's really a money issue and roadrunner offered the most for Opeth, I can respect that because Mikael just started a family and Peter is getting started too I bet, so it's for the best.
It sure isn't my label of choice, but this is Opeth, so i guess ill have a little faith in them and see how it all turns out.

Star Wars ep 4, 5 & 6 >>>>>>>>>>> Star Wars 1, 2, 3. New movie had good action, and Anakin got nicely messed up, but my god i think a child wrote that script. Hahahah, and the acting....*sighs*
Funniest Scenes: Palpatine creaming himself after Samuel L Jackson is killed, Darth Vader screaming NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! and the jedi "youngling" with the hilarious British accent
To be completely honest, when I read the song names on blabbermouth, I thought they were suspiciously similar to Iron Maiden song names. Just kind of had that "iron maiden" feel to them I guess. But remember, OPETH IS STILL COOL. They aren't making CDs called "Crawling through Knives" or "Are You Dead Yet?" They're making cool CDs called <insert future album name here.> So there's nothing to worry about.

Furthermore, even though I was kinda sad they signed to roadrunner, I accept it because it's just the label. The people who release the CD merchandise.. nothing more.. And if the lable wants them to change their sound, what would Mike say? "Fuck you!"

Cradle of Filth didn't change their sound. People didn't like their sound anyway. *lol* So cheer up. I know I am going against what I said before. But whatever. It'll be better than 99% of the crap coming out.
The song names are really cool. If the songs are just as good, I'll be a happy dude once I get the CD - or not. That's the one thing that gets me. I won't feel good purchasing a CD where my money goes to Roadrunner, it just feels dirty and immoral on my own part. I think I'd get a greater sense of gratification with pirating the record.

Strange admission to make, yeah, but we'll see. If the album is really really good, I may just be suaded to buy it.