opeth has signed with roadrunner now!

Rekkr said:
In Lamentations Mike said the new album would border on black metal. Then it was said later that the new album would be a black metal opus of two tracks. Now he doesn't even mention black metal, just says it will be "heavy" (which could mean anything).

Breaking the Da Vinci Code..... err... The Rekkr Post.

[a] Mike did mention it would border on black metal. Hammond organ is pretty fucking black metal when you use it correctly.

A Black metal opus of two tracks. 9 Tracks announced? Perhaps it is a Crimson 2 situation where one song is split into 44 tracks, or more appropriately - Diabolical Masquerade's Death Design, where there are 20 movements, 60 tracks, and each track has it's own name even if its only 6 seconds long. (Explaining the opeth song names for the two opuses split into 9 parts.)

[c] It's true. Heavy could mean anything. It depends on the person's strength for lifting heavy objects (whereas a weak person couldn't lift as much as a strong person)... I don't know where I'm going with this, but Opeth can be furkin heavy. :tickled: So I wouldn't expect tracks like Death Whispered a Lullyby on Damnation, even though it was heavy for acoustic..... Mike probably means heavy stuff like Deliverance, but with hammond organs and mellotrons and pianos and stuff. (see [a])
good stuff.....I wish u ugys the best.......uve changed atleast I know.....my whole perspective on msuic and soingwriting........Keep rockin duders......!!!!!.......u shoudl def. tour with SYL adn Katatonia....hahaha........PEAC EOUT
bangadrian said:
one word: kazoo

Two words: Mr. Bungle

okay, okay, not really metal and definitly not black metal, but they're definitly somewhere in the borders of the "extreme music" label.
BurningSky said:
What is with all these panties getting in knots on here... I can't wait for this album now. Who cares what the songs are called? It's not like moonlapse vertigo even really means anything. Keyboards: awesome. Heavy: awesome. Late august: awesome.

Actually, Moonlapse Vertigo in a literal sense would mean the dizziness or inequilibrium one may feel at not having seen the moon for a long period of time. Can't remember if the song lyrics themselves relate to this title though.

Roadrunner - The pressure may well be on Opeth to write an album that sells lots of copies...but then, isn't that the intent of all record labels?
R0l0 said:
...you're not going to get the whole "underground band" feel that you've had in the past years, and if that is what's most important to you then you might as well move along to another band.

That feeling went 6 years ago when so many people discovered the band.

All these complaints, tainted speculation and ego tantrums are just purile...

Opeth are a fantastic band that have continually released quality album after quality album. Their sound has progressed throughout and they have gained new fans with each successive release. They once were an underground band, now they are an ever increasing huge marketable commodity. That is why so many labels have been struggling to sign them. Roadrunner have the money to invest in them... they are in this for profit as with all businesses, I hope they get a good return on their investment (note, this applies also to Candlelight, Peaceville and MFN as well).

No-one on here knows what is in the contract, I personally doubt that Mikael would want to relinquish creative control. They were in a strong position to negotiate hard for the contract. Quite frankly BMG must be mad to have dropped them in the first place, but this will have been a huge blessing for the band.

The RR bashing is getting really fucking boring... to be quite honest, most of the comments I have been reading are more in keeping with the type of things you hear from young, narrow minded children that know fuck all apart from what they are force fed by Kerrang! or your local equivalent.

Bring on the new album and tour, I for one cannot wait and would like to congratulate the band on their new contract (let's face it, it is not something they were forced into... it was by choice!).
Roadrunner sucks, but who really gives a fuck? The music will be the same.
I'm not looking forward to more fans though.
Hello guys. Have you ever thought this issue from labels point of wiew? And we're talking about music here cause it's all about music, nothing else. Why would a record label want to sign a band? To change comletely their sound? Make their public image as they see it?
none of those things! When it comes to band that stands strongly on its own, i don't think those things are nessessary. Some of roadrunner bands have based their whole output to the image they have...So...i think you get my point.
I did the interview on a crappy phone line and the fucking song is called "Ghost of perdition" not "tradition"!!!
Yes, we're getting flamed for signing to RR. People think we're sellouts and that our album will suck. Nice! I've always wondered when we'd get accused of that.
Thing is the album would have sounded the same had we been signed to Martin Mendez label "Los diablos records".
To be honest, I'm not into the bands they put out nowadays either but to me RR is a METAL label. Deicide, Obituary, King Diamond, Slayer (in Europe), Mercyful fate + all the guitar hero records of the 80´s. Some people are simply too young to remember that RR has been around forever.

And we didn't pick them because of the money. We got some other financially fantastic (I'm talking millions of kronor) offers, but when all is said and done I want our album to be available everywhere which is why we chose RR.

Hand on heart do you truly believe we'd compromize our sounds for anyone or anything? I'd bitchslap any outsider trying to interfere with our vibes!

Hope you're good by the way! I'm doing vocals (screams) and solos (cock rock style) today and one song is mixed.
Hope you're good by the way! I'm doing vocals (screams) and solos (cock rock style) today and one song is mixed.

Fair Play, Post the a sample of the song on the official website
Mikael Åkerfeldt said:
I did the interview on a crappy phone line and the fucking song is called "Ghost of perdition" not "tradition"!!!

that sounds better.
I prefer 'Ghosts of Tradition' sounds camper, it will go well with the cock rock solos
Mikael Åkerfeldt said:
Hand on heart do you truly believe we'd compromize our sounds for anyone or anything? I'd bitchslap any outsider trying to interfere with our vibes!
haha, I think that's exactly what everyone here needed to hear :)

T3hLep4rAffinity said:
This is something I think a lot of people in this thread needed to hear.
heh. we posted the same message like 10 seconds apart :loco: