Opeth Has Spoiled Me


Logic Dictates
Oct 20, 2001
Pittsburgh, Pa
After listening only to Opeth for so many months, and then buying DT's 6DOIT and after having listened to that cd for only about 3-4 times, I completely understood and learned the cd that quickly. It took me much longer to completely "get" MAYH.

It was like reading a graduate textbook, then reading Doctor Seuss.
for instance, MAYH...I listened to that one over and over before I finally could piece together the melodies of the various tracks. Upon the first dozen of listenings or so, I thought many of those songs were like songs within songs, with no underlying theme throughout, but as I listened to it again and again, I began to understand the themes of each track.

But with Dt's 6DOIT, after just a few listenings, it was like yeah that is great, which it is, but it got somewhat bornig because it just didn't challenge me like MAYH did.

I don't know if I am making sense, but it is how I feel.
For many, many months after discovering Opeth I wasn't interested in other music. Nothing could measure up, and I was depressed that I would never find good music ever again! Now I've progressed to the stage where I'm discovering other bands again finally -- but I get tired of them after a few weeks. Like you said, I "get" the CD inside and out, nothing new to discover. I can always come back to Opeth and hear something new.
I get what you're saying. "It was like reading a graduate textbook, then reading Doctor Seuss." <--:lol: That's great. Good music takes your preferences to the next level and some even further. Listening to music has changed since the day I heard Opeth.

"Time grows short.
As the piper plays his time.
We are almost there."
Originally posted by JesusChristPose
for instance, MAYH...I listened to that one over and over before I finally could piece together the melodies of the various tracks. Upon the first dozen of listenings or so, I thought many of those songs were like songs within songs, with no underlying theme throughout, but as I listened to it again and again, I began to understand the themes of each track.

But with Dt's 6DOIT, after just a few listenings, it was like yeah that is great, which it is, but it got somewhat bornig because it just didn't challenge me like MAYH did.

I don't know if I am making sense, but it is how I feel.

I remember the first time I bought My Arms Your Hearse,When I heard it for the first time I didn't like it to much,none of the songs really drew my attention at all, only parts of the songs,and I didn't like Demon of the Fall at all, same went with the amen corner.Then like eight months later I really got into "When" but that was about it I still didn't care all that much for the other,and I went on feeling that way for like almost one year and a half,it was odd because after that period I gradually started liking the other songs but still didn't like demon of the fall or the amon corner,It took me a additional nine months until I began to gain interest in those two songs. Now I totally like demon of the fall and the amen corner!its so fucking weird because I never imagined my self liking those two songs.

Thats what makes Mayh so mysterious,you could go from not liking it to just plain out fucking loving the album,playing it over and over again and never getting bored of it.Like me I have listened to Mayh like a million timed and I still love the album,actually I like it more!

Amazing and mysterious album thats all I have to say!
I've had many of the same experiences with MAYH. In fact when I first got it I didn't even listen to the entire album until a few days after I bought it (such youthful ignorance :lol: ). One of my favorite things to do is listen to MAYH as I am lying in bed. I do this at least three times a week, and every night I focus on something different, and as you may have guessed I am not the least bit tired of the album. I agree that there is always something to find, whether it be new or something you have forgotten. In conclusion Opeth is musical bliss :D .
Originally posted by Lina
For many, many months after discovering Opeth I wasn't interested in other music. Nothing could measure up, and I was depressed that I would never find good music ever again! Now I've progressed to the stage where I'm discovering other bands again finally -- but I get tired of them after a few weeks. Like you said, I "get" the CD inside and out, nothing new to discover. I can always come back to Opeth and hear something new.

Yeah, I was totally the same. There was a period where I felt that I didn't need any other music other than Opeth. They were just such a revelation to me when I started listening to their work and they totally changed and developed my taste in music and metal in particular. I thought bands like Slipknot and Soulfly were the shit before I heard Opeth. :eek: Opeth's albums - MAYH in particular which is my favourite - had me looking for new things in the music I chose to listen to and opened my eyes to some of the amazing prog-metal bands that are out there. Thanks guys, I owe you big time.
This reminds me of when I first got into Opeth. I downloaded Under The Weeping Moon and Advent. I listened to them and I was blown away. Despite the fact that I couldn't "get" the songs, they were different.

Immediately I bought Orchid and Morningrise together, but I had such a hard time "grasping" the songs that I began to wonder what possessed me to buy the CDs. I'd often check the screen to see if I was still on the same song (9 out of 10 times I was). It took me a dozen or so listens of Morningrise to "get it" and even more with Orchid.

After that I hear a lot of other stuff and I "get" the whole CD within a few listens and I get bored. But for some reason I'm never bored with Opeth, and a select few other bands.

This makes me wonder. What factors are at play with the whole concept of "getting" the song and getting bored with it? What is it that determines how fast we "get" a bands CD and how long it takes to know the whole thing inside out. Some bands I pinned down within a few listens and a few bands (like Opeth) I, even now, can listen to without getting bored and instead get deeper into the music.

Don't mind me... I have a small cold. Hehe.
i know what you mean...no one band is as consistently good at what it does as Opeth..but it also may unnecessarily gets your expectations up that you may find yourself constantly disappointed with the output of certain modern bands who lack orginality.
Are you on crack? The new Dream Theater is simply amazing! In my books much greater than Blackwater Park, as much as i love it. There are only 2 bands who really impress the hell of of me with their range, Opeth and Dream Theater, But one thing Opeth is missing is the hapiness emotion... they have depressive and angry down, but never happy. Dream Theater gets that in there, though they are not as good at the angry or depressive, they are a bit more diverse i think, not to mention that they have the ability to play technical stuff if needed, which Opeth doesn't. Yes i am aware i am on an Opeth board and i am the only one who feels this way and i am going to be flamed hard for this. So go ahead and flame me and tell me i am wrong. Please. BTW I love both bands equally.
Originally posted by Bumblefoot
Are you on crack? The new Dream Theater is simply amazing! In my books much greater than Blackwater Park, as much as i love it. There are only 2 bands who really impress the hell of of me with their range, Opeth and Dream Theater, But one thing Opeth is missing is the hapiness emotion... they have depressive and angry down, but never happy. Dream Theater gets that in there, though they are not as good at the angry or depressive, they are a bit more diverse i think, not to mention that they have the ability to play technical stuff if needed, which Opeth doesn't. Yes i am aware i am on an Opeth board and i am the only one who feels this way and i am going to be flamed hard for this. So go ahead and flame me and tell me i am wrong. Please. BTW I love both bands equally.

:OMG: ....... :eek: ..... :mad: ........ :( ........ :bah: ....... :err: ....... And you JUST managed to save your ass from a complete flaming in the last sentence. Comparing DT and Opeth is like trying to compare levels of infinity. I'd have to say that 'Happy/Euphoric' as you would put it is about the only emotion that Opeth DON'T cover. Likewise and opposite for DT, they don't do 'Bleak, Depressive, etc. very well or at all.

I don't know what I'd do if Opeth did purely technical songs, tear my hair out at the very lest . While I'm sure they're capable of it, I think it would detract from their style.
Originally posted by Spike

I don't know what I'd do if Opeth did purely technical songs, tear my hair out at the very lest . While I'm sure they're capable of it, I think it would detract from their style.

i don't know...i think i would kinda like it :)
(technical music does not always = cheesy)
Sometimes it makes riffs more interesting to listen to.....

but i know what u mean, opeths music is "complete" the way it is now, not really lacking anything imho, and technically complex playing shouldn't be "forced" in at the cost of the song as a whole................

i hope i make sense ;)
Originally posted by JesusChristPose
for instance, MAYH...I listened to that one over and over before I finally could piece together the melodies of the various tracks. Upon the first dozen of listenings or so, I thought many of those songs were like songs within songs, with no underlying theme throughout, but as I listened to it again and again, I began to understand the themes of each track.

But with Dt's 6DOIT, after just a few listenings, it was like yeah that is great, which it is, but it got somewhat bornig because it just didn't challenge me like MAYH did.

I don't know if I am making sense, but it is how I feel.

That´s absolutely true. Dream Theater albums facinate but don´t
challenge...I can listen to MAYH any time but DT...
Bumblefoot said,

"Are you on crack? The new Dream Theater is simply amazing! In my books much greater than Blackwater Park, as much as i love it."

If you are talking to me, I never said DT's new cd sucks, in fact, I think it is great...it is just not as challenging for me as Opeth's music.