Opeth addiction!


Oct 21, 2002
Ok, i downloaded Damnation as soon as it leaked.And i listened to it non stop for about a week, and failed to convince myself of how incredible it was.And was like,"hrrmm, its the first opeth album that hasn't completely stunned me to death".

Then i didn't listen to it again for about 3 days.So after that i put it on again and was like "fuck me, this is unbelievable.what was i thinking".And since then i cant stop listening to it.Ive had it on at least once a day for about two weeks now.

Who else experienced this.And has negelcted other music for a while.
Yes there are many albums that take much time until they "click". I've experienced that the albums I didn't like for the first,say, 5 listens turned out to be my favourite after a certain time.
I had to put dead can dance's "toward the within" into a drawer for six months before descovering it again one day, putting it on, and having them become one of my favorite bands.

Opeth, Pain of Salvation, and Symphony x are all other examples of bands that release albums that usually take a long time to grow, but once they do, it is more than worth the wait.
it happened to me with MAYH and Morningrise and then all of a sudden, one day i loved them both! my fav album is definately still life and deliverance and damnation and....