Opeth in Milano - questions


Logic Dictates
Oct 20, 2001
Pittsburgh, Pa
I will be in Sicily in a couple of days, and I see that the Opeth will be playing in Milano Italy on November 20th, I believe...Is there somebody out there from Milano or anyone else who can assist me with this? I am going to try to make it to that show and have some questions...thanks in advance
Ciao, allora io vado a vedere gli Opeth a Milano, ma sono il 21 non il 20 novembre, suonano al Transilvania Live, e' un locale che contiene circa 1000 persone, per questo e' meglio almeno il concerto si vedra' meglio....comunque il biglietto costa 40000£...e' bello come locale!!Ma tu vieni dalla Sicilia a Milano??
Originally posted by from the Cradle
Ciao, allora io vado a vedere gli Opeth a Milano, ma sono il 21 non il 20 novembre, suonano al Transilvania Live, e' un locale che contiene circa 1000 persone, per questo e' meglio almeno il concerto si vedra' meglio....comunque il biglietto costa 40000£...e' bello come locale!!Ma tu vieni dalla Sicilia a Milano??

Hello, I'll go to see Opeth in Milano, but they will play in 21th november, not 20th...they'll play at Transilvania Live...and the Ticket sell 40000 £....20 American Dollars...Transilvania Live contains 1000 person...it's a beautiful place...
See You...
Will you go to see Opeth in Milano?
I am going to try to be there. The 21st is good for me. I have some questions for you, Cradle...

What are the chances that the show will be sold out by the 21st? Because if I can go, I won't be able to purchase a ticket until I get to Transylvania Live.

Is there a train that travels from Naples to Milano? If so, how long of a trip and about how much will it cost me?

...more to come...

Thanks again, Cradle :)
Originally posted by JesusChristPose
I am going to try to be there. The 21st is good for me. I have some questions for you, Cradle...

What are the chances that the show will be sold out by the 21st? Because if I can go, I won't be able to purchase a ticket until I get to Transylvania Live.

Is there a train that travels from Naples to Milano? If so, how long of a trip and about how much will it cost me?

...more to come...

Thanks again, Cradle :)
so.. u can come in Milan by train (if u take faster u are here in 7 hours the slower 12 hours) or by plane (1 hour).
i think u can buy ticket only in milan but u have to ask in some shop in naples or where u are!!see site www.mariposa.it for ticket (is in italian).
it's sure the show will be on 21st of november.
it's too long from railway station to transilvania live!1 hour! it's outside in VIA PARAVIA 19 u see it!
if u want something else write me.
see you.
Originally posted by from the Cradle

so.. u can come in Milan by train (if u take faster u are here in 7 hours the slower 12 hours) or by plane (1 hour).
i think u can buy ticket only in milan but u have to ask in some shop in naples or where u are!!see site www.mariposa.it for ticket (is in italian).
it's sure the show will be on 21st of november.
it's too long from railway station to transilvania live!1 hour! it's outside in VIA PARAVIA 19 u see it!
if u want something else write me.
see you.

Ticket for the train cost...umm.....80000£/150000£....:err:
They're also playing in Cervia on the 20th... so you should check that place too.

take the train and go to milan. it'll be an adventure. and remember to say "ciao bella" to all the women you see out there.


I saw megadeth in Italy. marty saw my american flag bandana, pointed to me and played a hell of a solo. Yeah!!!
I am in Sicily, near Catania. It looks like I can get a flight to Naples on the 20th, then take the train to Milano...but I am not sure of the departure times. How often does a train leave from Naples to Milano?

Also, when I arrive in Milano, it is still 1 hour away from Transylvania Live, is that correct? So I guess my only source for transportation will be either a taxi or a bus...

any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.