Opeth in Zeche Carl - Tracklist


May 22, 2002
Sherwood Forest
Hello there,

my question is kinda similar to that of the Zurich-show.. I, too, am relatively new into Opeth, and even though Mikael announced all the songs, I am not 100% sure about the tracklist - I was a bit too much in heaven with listening to the music; the concert was amazing :)

So, here is my part of the tracklist, please be so kind to correct me or fill in the gaps if you know the songnames.

2. Advent
3. Deliverance
5. The Drapery Falls
9. A Fair Judgement
10. Demon Of The Fall

thanks for helping me out :)
I'm a poor student of medicine. Even though we're supposed to have holidays, I've got practicals with Anwesenheitskontrolle.

I've bought a ticket for the Frankfurt gig on the 24th (with Nile, it said, is that true?!) but I couldnt make it. :cry:
Damn medicine!
The setlist was:
1. The Leper Affinity
2. Advent
3. Deliverance
4. Godheads Lament
5. The Drapery Falls
6. Credence
7. Serenity Painted Death
8. A Fair Judgement
9. Demon Of The Fall

It was a brilliant show, everything was perfect!!!
I never thought Serenity Painted Death could be that fucking heavy, powerful, dynamic and aggressive at the same time! Best song for me for the concert though the whole show was great!!

Some quotes:

Mikael: Now I want to see that guy to stagedive from the balcony!

Mikael: Scheisse! *laughs*

Mikael: Our next song is from our 4th album, Still Life. You got that album?
Crowd: Yeah!
Mikael: That's really, really good of you *grins*
Mikael: Yeah, you over there may have it, the rest burned it! *laughs again*

and remember, when he talks about chaos: DEMON OF THE FALL!!!

Raptus, thank you very much!! :) That helped me a lot! :wave:

And to you others, I can´t say exactly if it were 9 or 10 songs, I would not want to decide about it, sorry ;) I really got totally lost in the music during the concert. I would have wished for Harvest aswell, actually, but maybe that will be played another time.

About the performance I have to say it appeared absolutely brilliant to me aswell. Their sound was crystal clear, but I was so close to the stage, I did not get that much from the vocals, because the amps from stage were louder ;) But therefore I could see everything :loco: And the band made a very down-to-earth and nice impression.. the only thing that bothered me was Mikael´s suggestion of diving from the balcony - You´ll never know if there is someone who takes that serious or is drunk enough :( ...but it was funny as he was thinking about from which album the songs were *LOL*
They played 9 songs in Essen, that's correct (as Raptus wrote).
And it's also right that they played Harvest before Demon in Frankfurt (to make it 10 songs instead of 9)

Tonight I am hoping for Bleak also.

The shows (I have seen Frankfurt, Essen and Halle so far, 3 more to go: Berlin, Hamburg and Groningen!) have been excellent. Very good playing and singing (= Opeth!) and good crowds!
The only bad thing is that the setlist remains the same (a little variation would be cool when you see more than one show...) and that Mikael keeps saying almost the same things between the songs. But it's not a talk-show, and it is the music that counts.
See you in Berlin tonight!