Opeth is really, really gay

Using the word gay as an insult is gay

That's the BIGGEST fucking contradiction i have EVER read before. :lol: :lol: :lol:

"Using the word Gay as an insult to someone who has just used the word Gay as an insult is pretty Gay too....!"
Originally posted by Credence In Love

Merely a release? Release in what sense? And about the gay part? Let me share with a little secret with you .... I am, well, bi anyway. Now, if you wish to comment back please do so.. I'd -love- to hear your next comment. *Smirk, rolls eyes*

"I confess my hope, recognize my lonliness. Your laughter weeps the truth, pushing me into the corner. Confirming the epitaph of my soul and displaying the once unknown karma." ~ Credence, My Arms, Your Hearse, Opeth.

why do we use the word gay as an insult? i myself am not gay, but try to have respect for other people's beleifs (its hard to do in the face of verbally abusive christians, but i manage somewhat :grin: ). i know, "hahaha, its all in good fun", but using it as an insult is implying that being gay is wrong or sub human. its like if i called someone a "my pals" and said i have nothing against africa-americans. i'm not saying to stop or scolding you, but i thought i'd point it out.
Originally posted by bleedingskeptic
why do we use the word gay as an insult? i myself am not gay, but try to have respect for other people's beleifs (its hard to do in the face of verbally abusive christians, but i manage somewhat :grin: ). i know, "hahaha, its all in good fun", but using it as an insult is implying that being gay is wrong or sub human. its like if i called someone a "my pals" and said i have nothing against africa-americans. i'm not saying to stop or scolding you, but i thought i'd point it out.
Yeah, I find myself using "gay" in a derogatory way too, which I don't like. The problem is, it has come to have a meaning for which there is no other synonym. In fact, its meaning has nothing to do with the way a gay person acts, so I don't know why it even came from that, aside from the fact that they're both "considered bad." I want to break this habit. Any suggestions?
Many of you seem very bitter, some people have to mention Slipknot in every post although it doesn´t concern the topic in anyway. Slipknot fans aren´t posers and Slipknot can play their music if they want so don´t whine about it.
i to am guilty of using gay as an insult sometimes, but i usually catch myself. i usually replace it with jackass or wanker.
i mean, i do catch myself, as well. i don't go around saying that in public. but when i say it, it means "uncool," basically, which has no synonym...hmmm....
I used to have a problem with gay being used the way it is, but I've gotten over that. The fact is the word has taken a meaning that has nothing to do with homosexuality, and only the simplest of minds equate how the word is used today with the behavior of gays. Funny thing is I've never used the word gay in a bad way, or any way before I came out because I was paranoid that using the word would incriminate me or some other nonsense.

While we're on the topic of words we don't like to use, anyone else here (who isn't religious) use the word God? I usually find myself saying "My God!" when I'm in shock or suprised, or "God Damn" when I'm frustrated. It's a habbit I'm having a bitch of a time breaking.

...I guess that could also apply to people who use the word Gay in a derogatory way too.
Originally posted by Trapped

Yeah, i feel the same way about KORN fans, Jayde.

I don't freak out like that. :rolleyes:

So, let me see if I understand this. You found out that I like Korn and now I can't say anything without you saying something stupid about Korn? :err: