Opeth Job and Finance history


New Metal Member
Jan 25, 2006
A place with no music scene
How did Opeth make a living till they started making money off of their music?
Also, how much did it cost for them to record any or all of their albums including producer costs and such as well as their record sales? I'm just asking because I've been trying to figure out how to make a living and having a professional band. My whole life people told me that you can't make money off of music and that you would have to be filthy rich and have connections to put out good records or just play pop or be a bum who tours constantly.
Any ideas or answers?
Pre Opeth, Mike worked in a record shop, Peter studied a branch of engineering at Uni, I don't know anything about the Martins before they became part of Opeth or the previous rythmn section other than the info on the DVD documentries.

To make an impression in the mus biz, you need Talent, the more the better and a bit of luck...

Good Luck.
What about during the first couple of albums? They weren't making enough to get by and also does anyone have any ideas about their recording costs as well as buying all the equipment they use? They didn't use cheap gear. Unless they had money stashed away they had to have some means of income.
What about during the first couple of albums? They weren't making enough to get by and also does anyone have any ideas about their recording costs as well as buying all the equipment they use? They didn't use cheap gear. Unless they had money stashed away they had to have some means of income.

Why are you so interested in the band's "Finances". I don't think you are going to get any answers, especially from any of the band members.
I know that it seems like an odd question as well as personal. I'm just wondering how they managed to put out such high qualities recordings without major label backing and factors like large record sales and tours or some way of financing them. As a musician myself striving to create the ultimate product. Opeth is the first band I've heard that noone heard of and was not popular but had superior recordings to most major label and well more popular bands. Recording is expensive but I want to know how they did it and if it had anything to do with knowing how to setup equipment themselves or choosing good producers or engineers. I'd like to be a professional musician myself but find it difficult since most people have to work for a living and don't have time to devote to a band. In conclusion, I want to know how opeth did it. Sorry for the long post.
I know that it seems like an odd question as well as personal. I'm just wondering how they managed to put out such high qualities recordings without major label backing and factors like large record sales and tours or some way of financing them. As a musician myself striving to create the ultimate product. Opeth is the first band I've heard that noone heard of and was not popular but had superior recordings to most major label and well more popular bands. Recording is expensive but I want to know how they did it and if it had anything to do with knowing how to setup equipment themselves or choosing good producers or engineers. I'd like to be a professional musician myself but find it difficult since most people have to work for a living and don't have time to devote to a band. In conclusion, I want to know how opeth did it. Sorry for the long post.

In a word, "Talent."