opeth should get a different producer

I've got an idea... lets stop being ignorant, arrogant, and annoying fans thinking that all opeth strives for is to please our wants... opeth will do what makes them happy... i'm sure they could care less if you think they need a different producer if they're happy with steve.
I don't know really...

Mikael said in an interview that he wanted to go mainstream. Damnation was his attempt to get radio/tv playtime. Let's face the facts, he is in his mid-thirties??? He is prolly tired of this shit touring for a years and not getting a great amount of recognition. If you follow PT then you know that they are on the brink of becoming mainstream experimental rock in the UK.

Maybe Steve Wilson is his bitch that he is exploiting... :p
If I see a re-run of it (re-runs are on the weekend) then I will record it and upload it using my friend's firewire and put it on KaZaa. It was a very funny conversation when they began talking about how they have worn the same underwear for a week and how they hold their bladder on stage.
Actually, you might be able to view it online. Goto: www.fuse.tv then goto the Uraniam section. Click digital past diaries on the left frame. I can't seem to find it there.... but maybe I am blind.
LuminousAether said:
For instance, how about having acoustic parts with growls, .

Hmmm... Dude, They already did that on "By the pain I see In others", so there you go!
Mayh said:
Hmmm... Dude, They already did that on "By the pain I see In others", so there you go!

Now that you mention it, I seem to remember what you are talking about. There were definitely a few cool ideas on Deliverance, but not enough dammit. I thought the circus music part was bad ass, they need more shit like that.

And to the one guy who keeps harrassing me, quit your stupid generalizations man. I have never once started shit with your dumbass, but you are fucking OBSESSED with me. I might have to file an online restraining order or something. It does boost my ego to know that I have my own personal stalker though.
OMG! I was thinking and think that I really like the sound of Devin Townsend producing for Opeth. Can anyone tell me any albums that he has produced (non-SYL)? I want to see if he is as "good as a really good thing".

;) :p ;)
Ha ha ha ha. The bitch on Uranium was bitching about the song lengths being so short and Mikael said "We're wimping out" and then Peter said "We're selling out", then Mikeal continued and said "Yeah, we're selling out; we want to sell more records and become a commercial band." He was fucking joking. I don't know if you were being sarcastic or not, but that's just funny. Mikael just turned 29 this year.
segaszivos said:
OMG! I was thinking and think that I really like the sound of Devin Townsend producing for Opeth. Can anyone tell me any albums that he has produced (non-SYL)? I want to see if he is as "good as a really good thing".

;) :p ;)

The only two I can think of offhand are

Soilwork - Natural Born Chaos
Lamb of God - As the Palaces Burn
:rolleyes: I agree, except I'd shorten the end of the title track by a minute or two.
And I don't think Andy Sneap had THAT much input on the production of Deliverance, did he? I thought he only became involved when the album was just about finished?