Opeth Store


Dec 6, 2008
I just noticed on the Opeth store that the categories have changed from "clothing" to "T-shirts", "Outerwear" (which is misspelt btw :p) etc.
It may seem kind of insignificant but I'm wondering whether possibly a change to the store means that they may be restocking soon? Is there any chance of that happening?
I really want to get a Baying of the Hounds hoodie and the Candle T-shirt but they are out of stock :waah:
Does it also include 'Kiddie wear'? Bibs and baby clothes?:rolleyes:

Now why would it do that, unless it was for this baby: [ame="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=te1nyK4Y-sM&feature=related"]Baby owned by Opeth[/ame] :D
I am was wondering the same thing as soon as I saw that the store was a bit re-arranged. Hopefully they will restock soon...
to answer your question i was looking for a damnation shirt in a small for my girlfriend at the time (we broke up) but i started checking in about earlire september, and i last checked a month ago and it was still out of stock, i emailed them a few times and they said ti would come back in soon, but i dont think bandstores knows what they're talking about, so as a best guess it could be tomarrow, it could be months from now.

hope this helps
So many shirts and sizes are sold out, and the new US webstore has hardly anything listed as well. This waiting is getting frustrating, because I'd rather support Opeth in buying shirts than some random unlicensed ebay people.