Opeth will open for Dream Theater in America in April/May 2008

missed the point? there is no point, and if i wanted to pull an extremely inaccurate and shitlaced generalization out of my ass along with you, i'd wager to say that all the DT hating people are narrow minded jackasses. one stupid generalization deserves another!

Opeth and DT have different strong suites. DT has no idea how to write songs anywhere near as well as Opeth, and to be frank nobody in Opeth can play as well on a technical level as the guys in DT. Both bands are fantastic.

I will in fact be seeing this show.
Opeth and DT have different strong suites. DT has no idea how to write songs anywhere near as well as Opeth, and to be frank nobody in Opeth can play as well on a technical level as the guys in DT. Both bands are fantastic.

I will in fact be seeing this show.

I know I'm going to get flamed for this...but I think that DT are actually better than Opeth in songwriting, if only for their ability to transition from one part of a song to another. I enjoy Opeth a lot more, but DT transition much more seamlessly imo...however, Opeth have improved a lot in this aspect in recent albums.
missed the point? there is no point, and if i wanted to pull an extremely inaccurate and shitlaced generalization out of my ass along with you, i'd wager to say that all the DT hating people are narrow minded jackasses. one stupid generalization deserves another!

u dont have to be narrow minded to hate dream theater, just have the ability to hear.
I'll probably stick around to see them. For one reason I'm not going to leave after paying like 50 dollars for the ticket. The second reason is, I didn't really get into Opeth until after I saw them Live. So maybe there's a chance I'll hear something I like and get into DT.
I think it's a decent idea for a pairing. Opeth is probably hoping to gain some US fans of progressive metal, which isn't so illogical considering they are a progressive death metal group. Sure, Opeth has enough popularity to headline its own tour, but only at smaller US venues. They can manage House of Blues type shows, but they don't have the fan base for a stadium show. Dream Theater does and has filled these venues in the past. So, I don't really see it as a step down for Opeth at all.

I can understand the concerns about set time as well as ticket cost, but also I would assume Opeth will do one of their regular tours at smaller venues for the new album as well, so you can all settle down. Opeth tours the US pretty often.

Anyway, I'm psyched about the show. I've always wanted to see DT live because they are pretty ridiculous talent-wise, but could never justify the ticket cost for them alone. I'll pay for this combo though.
Opeth and DT have different strong suites. DT has no idea how to write songs anywhere near as well as Opeth, and to be frank nobody in Opeth can play as well on a technical level as the guys in DT. Both bands are fantastic.

I will in fact be seeing this show.

Mendez and Myung could probably play anything the other can.
Mendez and Myung could probably play anything the other can.

Speaking as someone who listens to bass first in music and who's transcribed most of Mendez's best basslines, there's never been anything on any opeth album to suggest he can play anything near as fast and complex as myung quite regularly does. I don't doubt he could play quite a bit faster if he wanted, but I do doubt very much that he could pull off some of the stuff Myung does, to speak nothing of some of myung's other bass-related talents like his pretty considerable abilities on chapman stick. I'm speaking in terms of technical ability alone here, don't give me some DREAM THEATER SUX U FGT BAS PLAYR IZ BETRU CUZ OEPHT RULEZ AND WANKIN DROOLZ!!~! PEAC EOUT! response like I'm sure I'll receive :\ Just the sad facts here.
Speaking as someone who listens to bass first in music and who's transcribed most of Mendez's best basslines, there's never been anything on any opeth album to suggest he can play anything near as fast and complex as myung quite regularly does. I don't doubt he could play quite a bit faster if he wanted, but I do doubt very much that he could pull off some of the stuff Myung does, to speak nothing of some of myung's other bass-related talents like his pretty considerable abilities on chapman stick. I'm speaking in terms of technical ability alone here, don't give me some DREAM THEATER SUX U FGT BAS PLAYR IZ BETRU CUZ OEPHT RULEZ AND WANKIN DROOLZ!!~! PEAC EOUT! response like I'm sure I'll receive : Just the sad facts here.

Yeah I was thinking the same thing. Mendez is good and all, but Myung is good. His technicality is really up there as well as the speed with which he plays it.
I don't see where all the DT hate comes from, seriously. I'm a regular on the Mike Portnoy forums and I never see this kind of hate, especially directed towards one of two bands that are obviously great friends, and will be touring together!:headbang:

Both bands are amazing imo, and this tour is like a dream come true! I just don't see why a lot of you in this thread seem to think Dream Theater and it's entire fan base is somehow inferior to you... Why the Opeth forum is the only place where I found these kind of insulting comments is beyond me. I find Opeth to have a beautiful sound and very deep, mature lyrics, I thought the fan base would be a reflection of this, it appears I was gravely mistaken...:erk:

How about we all enjoy a show that features amazing musicianship, outstanding talent and just plain awesomeness?:worship: Is that too much to ask? :rolleyes:
Speaking as someone who listens to bass first in music and who's transcribed most of Mendez's best basslines, there's never been anything on any opeth album to suggest he can play anything near as fast and complex as myung quite regularly does. I don't doubt he could play quite a bit faster if he wanted, but I do doubt very much that he could pull off some of the stuff Myung does, to speak nothing of some of myung's other bass-related talents like his pretty considerable abilities on chapman stick. I'm speaking in terms of technical ability alone here, don't give me some DREAM THEATER SUX U FGT BAS PLAYR IZ BETRU CUZ OEPHT RULEZ AND WANKIN DROOLZ!!~! PEAC EOUT! response like I'm sure I'll receive : Just the sad facts here.

Completely disagree.

As a bass player(or a musician in general), you'd know good and well that what you hear on albums can never be considered someone's best. Moreso what was "appropriate" for that song.

Deliverance was one thing, but after Ghost Reveries, I personally believe that Mendez is the better bass player...technically speaking.

Just another opinion.
actually the only thing fantastic about dream theater is that they make all other bands look better in comparison
Completely disagree.

As a bass player(or a musician in general), you'd know good and well that what you hear on albums can never be considered someone's best. Moreso what was "appropriate" for that song.

Deliverance was one thing, but after Ghost Reveries, I personally believe that Mendez is the better bass player...technically speaking.

Just another opinion.

I said that in my post. I also said from the evidence available, there is absolutely, positively no evidence that Mendez is even close to as technically capable. Your opinion is COMPLETELY speculation. Generally, if someone records an album of powerchord medleys and someone else records an album of yngwie malmsteen style compositions, it's safe to assume the latter is more technically adept, I don't see why the same doesn't apply here. Sure there's a chance the powerchord guy is just "playing for the song" and is actually better than the shredmaster, but it's a pretty safe assumption that he is not. Same deal here - there is not a single Opeth song post morningrise that I can't play the entire bass part of note-for-note all the way through (besides maybe deliverance just cause the outro rhythm makes my fingers fall asleep after a while, but that's just an endurance issue), while I can't play at least a quarter of Dream Theater's songs.