Opeth's Lyrics - Weak Spot?

akerfeldt has never said the lyrics don't make sense. he says they are spur of the moment, that he thinks of something and just writes down his emotions. they don't go off on ramblings, they do convey certain emotions very clearly. lost love, fear of dying, hopelessness, misanthropy, and the roots of anger can all easily be found in akerfeldt's lyrics. i don't feel like citing examples, but i'm sure there are enough of you here who see what i'm saying. but just for example, the night and the silent water was written when akerfeldt was thinking of his grandfather who had passed away. if you read the lyrics to it, it makes perfect sense. sorry about the ramblings, but opeth's lyrics make alot of sense, even if you don't know what akerfeldt was thinking the lyrics in one song have enough consistency to be interpreted to an emotion or situation.
ledmag: Cite examples of lyrics (by other bands) which make sense to you.

Poetry is not a point-by-point news report, and can rely on the most absurd image sequences and combinations of words to transfer a feeling. My complaint was about a quite different aspect.

D Mullholand