Opinions on Disillusion's Gloria

Death Aflame

voice of dissent
Feb 1, 2004
Everyone(well the metal community) seems to despise and/or severely disappointed with this release but I can't stop listening to it.

Don't get me wrong I really liked Back to Times of Splendor but Gloria is just so completely different, devoid of any sort of traditional boundaries and an extremely bold release(all in a good way) for a metal label.

You need to hear it in its entirety to appreciate it. But they do have a song on their myspace website. Google it.
Im watching the trailers for it on their myspace, and it sounds pretty interesting. Definitely does sound like an album you need to hear as a whole though. I'll have to check it out.

And I listened to "Don't go any Further" and I love it. Different, in a good way.
For the most part I agree about the vocal effects, but in context of the sound of this album I can see why he heavily relies on them. One good aspect about the effects is that his regular vocals sound even more powerful in comparison to the ones with the vocal effects.