Opinions on new Suffocation songs?

I've only heard Deceit, and to be perfectly honest, it didn't impress me at all. Wish was a surprise. Hopefully the album will be another classic when its comes out.
Life Sucks said:
I've only heard Deceit, and it's pretty damn good. It's pretty tech, and it sounds more like Pierced From Within than Despise The Sun.

Both were great, though, so I might have to get it. Screw demos, though. I'll just buy the album.
Deceit was awesome, because it has a distinctively catchy melody.

It was hard, but I managed to hum that tough melody everywhere I went for a week.
They played Deceit and Subconciously Enslaved when I saw them. Great fucking songs and shitloads better than there DTS E.P(they do not play anymore)

Here was the setlist for the hell of it(it is off besides the opening song)

Thrones of Blood
Effigy of The Forgotten
Infecting The Crypts
Torn Into Enthrallment
Liege of Inveracity
Suspended In Tribulation
Breeding The Spawn
Subconciously Enslaved
Pierced From Within

I think they played 1,2 more which I forgot.

Note* if someone wants to be nice hook me up with the Subconsiously Enslaved demo version at MinusTheBody04 on Instant Messanger.
Living Inside said:
Here was the setlist for the hell of it(it is off besides the opening song)

Thrones of Blood
Effigy of The Forgotten
Infecting The Crypts
Torn Into Enthrallment
Liege of Inveracity
Suspended In Tribulation
Breeding The Spawn
Subconciously Enslaved
Pierced From Within

Now that's a killer setlist
Fuck yeah

The band is shitloads better live than on cd. Those guys are seriously gods and machines. Fucking flawless and they just destroy and it changed my life. As gay as it may sound see this band live to understand my words.
I would not doubt it at all... I have seen many bands that have altered me in many ways forever... Suffocation could very well be that good... though for me it was Iron Maiden
SunlapseVertigo said:
i hope its "Brood of Hatred" or "Depths of Depravity".....

Nope it wasnt haha actually I was hoping they would play those especially Brood....

The chances of them playing those songs are slim to none I think. They could throw in Depths but deff not Brood of Hatred.