Optical Illusion - F'in Amazing

The advantage of being Chinese

Yes I am. I just think you're an idiot for creating roughly 23423 internet personalities for the sole purpose of fucking with people. Seems like a waste of time, man.
MFJ said:
Yes I am. I just think you're an idiot for creating roughly 23423 internet personalities for the sole purpose of fucking with people. Seems like a waste of time, man.

I don't think I've created more than 3. And it was the Nevermore forum of all places. It wasn't like I disrupted any deep conversation. If I offended you, I apologize. No need to hold a grudge over the internet. Same goes for Erik. So you guys don't like me. That's cool! But is it really necessary to spout comments of disdain at every juncture?

P.S I'm a man of peace. And I love you both dearly. :dopey:
I'm cool with that. Some days I like to just groove through life, other days I can be a real douche bag for no reason. I'll keep to myself.
MFJ said:
I'm cool with that. Some days I like to just groove through life, other days I can be a real douche bag for no reason. I'll keep to myself.

Fair enough. I only play a douchebag on T.V. I'm a fairly kind individual in reality. Nothing you were saying was really getting to me. It just sounded like I pissed you off in someway, and I wished to find what it was. And right that wrong if possible.

I didn't know you that didn't find "meet me at the Red Dragon chinese restaurant" to be amusing. :confused:
Reign in Acai said:
Fair enough. I only play a douchebag on T.V. I'm a fairly kind individual in reality. Nothing you were saying was really getting to me. It just sounded like I pissed you off in someway, and I wished to find what it was. And right that wrong if possible.

I didn't know you that didn't find "meet me at the Red Dragon chinese restaurant" to be amusing. :confused:

Hahahaha that shit was just freaky. Whatever, it was indeed a long time ago.
I did that color blind test thing like 18 years ago.

It says DEVOUR THE CHILDREN OF THE WORLD in purple letters, right?