Orphaned Land Tour


New Metal Member
Jan 5, 2007
Costa Rica
Hello, i am new in this site.

I'd like to know where are the next dates of the tour of Orphaned Land.

Other thing, the member of Orphaned Land come here? Because in that case, i'd like to ask them to come to Costa Rica, here are many fans of them.

welcome :wave:

the members do post here, and would go pretty much anywhere they can get a gig (if i may say so), they love to travel and connect with people! so if you can get enough people to get a show, they'd probably come!
I think the new tour plan will be released after Orwarrior.

imma gonna btw kick kobi's ass if they dun get their ass back here to dänemark, cuz he promised me... twice.

Oh yeah, to actually make this a thread... how many times have you guys actually (I actually love that word: "actually") seen our guys? I've only seen them twice!
Hello, i am new in this site.

I'd like to know where are the next dates of the tour of Orphaned Land.
Hi and welcome over there !

All the dates are announced on the official websites : Welcome to the Ark of Orphaned Land and the fan club Orphaned Disciples - The Official Orphaned Land Fan Club

For the time being only the festival next summer in Thessaloniki is announced. Anyway the band is at the moment working hard for the next album, so I don't think we should expect a tour until next summer, depending the date of release of ORwarriOR.

Other thing, the member of Orphaned Land come here? Because in that case, i'd like to ask them to come to Costa Rica, here are many fans of them.
They come pretty often here, and at least they read. You have better chances to get them on the hebrew forum. But you need to speak hebrew :D

But I'm sure they'll get your message. The only problem is that it's not on Orphaned Land's hands to decide to come to Costa Rica. As Kobi would probably write: "flood your forums and your local promoters!" ;)
first of all welcome dbq!
I never counted how many times I've been to an OL show but I've been to most shows since the release show of Mabool in 2004.
I think I've been to about 8-9 shows, could be more.
Vi er en døende race. Eller sådan noget. Så du egentlig OL med Paradise Lost, da de gæstede os?

Næ, har kun set dem på Wacken sidste år.

Tror nok jeg skulle arbejde da de spillede i Kbh., der må have været en vægtig grund til at misse dem!