Oslo bombing


Nov 9, 2010
Oslo, Norway
Some asshats blew up downtown Oslo about 2 hours ago.
They think it's a carbomb that blow up just outside the goverment offices...

Fuck I'm pissed, 2 persons reported dead atm, more will join i'm sure as it blew out windows 1 km away from the scene.


The annyoing shit is that most likely it's some of the "refugees" that we have accepted with open arms that blew it up, I fucking hope the goverment get more careful with who they let in to our country.

Yes I mad.
Jesus fucking.....

I'm confident the cunts who did this will be found and hopefully shot to shit, but I can't really grasp what the point is of all this. I guess no sane person can.
No, I know someone that was like 25 meters from the place... I think she's ok...
I guess the black metal guys should let the christians of the hook and change targets.
Some people should be shot.
There was an attempted suicide bombing here in Stockholm a few months ago. One of the explosives the guy was strapped with exploded prematurely, so it spilled his guts all over the mall where he was supposed to do it. No one else was hurt, but witnesses said that they saw him moving after having his intestines forcefully exploded from his stomach. And of course, becuse of the risk of the other charges going off, no one went to help him. Never has one of those assholes died a more fitting way.
^^ +1

Now they've started securing the main airport... no more info on that but it might be another bomb...
It's about time that the world again will feel the wrath of the norsemen.
Doubt it's Al-Qaeda, prolly just another retard group with homemade bombs.
I fucking hate the fact that they are in our country because we gave them shelter, and this is the way the thank us? Fuck dat shit.
Now some goon is shooting at a meeting for political youth, it's held on an island and bleeding youths are swimming from the island in panic.
I think I have a friend thats there.

What a great day...
And if the shooting at the youthcamp is connected... who the fuck goes to an island with 700 teenagers and shoot everyone in sight... far from the shore... with no police...
Deathpenalty should be made legal again.
Damn religion! :mad:

Fucking sucks!


And if the shooting at the youthcamp is connected... who the fuck goes to an island with 700 teenagers and shoot everyone in sight... far from the shore... with no police...
Deathpenalty should be made legal again.

The death penalty is alive and well here in Texas (and I'm wholly in favor of it), but it still doesn't deter people from crimes. And remember, as far as muslim terrorists...the majority are suicidal anyway. They have no value for life, including their own. In fact, their death would only make them a martyr, and get them into their "heaven" sooner.
The death penalty is alive and well here in Texas (and I'm wholly in favor of it), but it still doesn't deter people from crimes. And remember, as far as muslim terrorists...the majority are suicidal anyway. They have no value for life, including their own. In fact, their death would only make them a martyr, and get them into their "heaven" sooner.

Couldn't agree more. But still, death penalty should maintain as an option, in case some son of a bitch does something terrible and make sure they won't go out with a few years in prison. We have a big terror issue here in Turkey and it drives my crazy. Government even treats captured leader of terrorists as a VIP in a king's suite, but in a prison if you ask them.

I hope it doesn't get worse there in Norway dude. :(
muslim terrorists should never get the death penalty - simply because that's what they want, and that should not be given to them. serving a life long sentence humiliates these bastards.