OSX is cool but...


Apr 12, 2002
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
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...fuck is it ever slow compared to Windows on the same machine. Just installed Windows 7 to be able to do my school assignments on my MBP and it is SO much more responsive overall. Dragging windows around the screen and stuff feels so instantaneous. You would never even notice OSX feeling slow unless you did a side by side comparison but man it's really significant!

Reaper especially is about 6 billion times better on Windows. And my Profire even works properly... To keep OSX or not to keep OSX...
you can use the windows key as a modifier in Reaper if you click the special button first. Unless it's just a bootcamp problem...

Doesn't work for mouse modifiers though. It will work in conjunction with another modifier but not on it's own. I also just noticed it doesn't work for any mousewheel actions even in conjunction with another modifier. Uuuugh.

Option+drag was slip
Option+B was split with crossfade
Option+mousewheel was horizontal zoom
Option+Command+mousewheel was horizontal scroll

I could drum edit my ass off without moving my hand at all and it was uber comfortable as far as spacing goes. Trying to shift everything to ctrl+option makes it too much of a strech, using my Apple keyboard at least.

I could remap the command key to be Ctrl instead of Win with a registry hack I guess. Probably best idea...
Remapped the keys, feels better this way, was hoping to get used to doing things "normally" under Windows now though so it's a bit of a bummer. But this is probably gonna save me a lot of mistakes in other software as well, haha...
I've found Win 7 just as shitty as its previous versions, the problem might have been on the individual PCs though. Cool if you like it - I'm still jealous for all the cool free and commercial plugins Windows guys get.
What most apple users claim is mac=stability (due to the software specifically written for that kind of hardware, I suppose). Installing a generic OS breaks that principle so... why buying an apple then? If it's because of the hardware... why buying the same hardware twice the price? Maybe I sound like the classic apple hater, but the thing is that I don't really understand the logic behind apple devotion.
What most apple users claim is mac=stability (due to the software specifically written for that kind of hardware, I suppose). Installing a generic OS breaks that principle so... why buying an apple then? If it's because of the hardware... why buying the same hardware twice the price? Maybe I sound like the classic apple hater, but the thing is that I don't really understand the logic behind apple devotion.

Actually, at least in the finnish market Macs are only somewhat more expensive than equivalent pre-assembled PCs. You can build your own PC but not everyone wants to, and at that point Mac hardware stops being "twice the price".

It may be overpriced by certain points of view but it's not always just Apple who do this.

On a sidenote, it's unwise to order a mac with extended RAM, the price is ridiculous. Just add some in by yourself and you can save up to $500. i suspect this is for cashing extra on companies that don't care so much
Don't really get why people always treat this argument the same way as you would a CPU's performance.
It's subjective, some people prefer Mac some prefer PC, I use both.
Pros and cons, people.
using Command with my thumb in OSX is way less ergonomic than ctrl with pinkie on Windows. I don't know if I'll ever get used to that.

Change Option to Alt.
Shift mousewheel should be horizontal scroll.

Yeah but jumping to shift is a workflow killer for me, slows down the process big time :/

Literally man my pinky is on Option and ring finger on Command ALWAYS when I am in Reaper, and I can do everything from there. While drum editing I don't let go of option at all and I just add command to it whenever I need to. It's a lot faster than taking my finger off of option, going and holding shift, and then coming back to option.

It sounds trivial but the extra time adds up, I fly in that program like you wouldn't believe.

The other crappy thing is on OSX I use Ctrl+(some key) for all my "do this action but at the mouse cursor instead of the edit cursor" functions. Can't use the Win key for that in Windows unfortunately because the OS steals most of those commands :(

I don't think I could comfortably work with a Windows keyboard in Reaper under Windows because of the placement of the Windows key either. You don't have any fully functional modifiers side by side on a Windows keyboard (since it goes Ctrl-Win-Alt and Win only works for some things). The side by side thing is crucial for speed and comfort. Trying to hold Alt and then adding Ctrl and then pressing B is a lot more awkward and uncomfortable than holding Option, adding Command and pressing B.

In general on Windows, the only two modifiers that I find reasonably efficient to hold and combine are ctrl+shift. But then the only letters on the keyboard that are efficient to reach are D, S, C and X because your hand is cramped up in the corner. Also, when you let go of shift and have your ring finger free, it becomes useless because it can't comfortably reach any key besides maybe[i/] A, Q and Caps Lock (but your middle finger is still the most efficient choice for A if you want to get back to shift quickly.

I could probable make it work, I would just have to remap EVERYTHING so that it was all based on ctrl+shift (which actually is a little more ergonomic/comfortable than option+command) and only use this section of the keyboard...


By contrast though, I get an entire extra row of letters within easy reach under OSX because my hand is shifted one row over. I'm not wasting reach on stupid keys like Caps Lock...


I do prefer "ctrl+c, ctrl+v" etc. for copy and paste and stuff though. It's too bad there's not an easy way to adopt that over on a Mac for the whole OS. The thumb thing does suck. But for something like Reaper where you can map all your own key commands to maximize efficiency, the OSX keyboard is a huge win.
Interesting it's exactly the opposite for me. Win XP and Win 7 (on my Macs) are ridiculously slow and have annoying bugs or miss features I'm used to while OS X is fast and doesn't make any troubles at all - and I used self-built Windows PCs for years before switching.
Also I MUCH prefer the Command Key for CMD+C / CMD+V. The way I use a keyboard it's a lot faster than using the pinky and reach for the CTRL key. Might be because the laptops have the "fn" key on the far left and then the very small CTRL key and I am mostly typing etc on the Macbook.

Btw, small rant - not aimed at the people in this thread but I really love people who rant about how much better Windows is and how stupid the people buying Macs are, but forget that they actually never owned a Mac and only know Windows but at the same time 99,99% of the Mac users have actually used Windows for years so they know both. Also "they were just too stupid for Windows blabla" is plain wrong because I know a lot of people who do IT / games programming and build PCs all the time for a living and know a shitload but still prefer OS X on their home pc. So no, Mac users aren't all looser who couldn't cope with Linux and Windows. Look at the comments of any OS X / Mac related video on youtube and you'll see those "experts" declaring that Apple users are all stupid :lol: I love it.
^ lawl!

It's true though, I have a Mac Pro (octocore) at the studio and my quad-core PC at home smokes it in terms of responsiveness etc, but on the Mac, I don't get any crashes whatsover, I basically know that it wont break. But in all honesty, I prefer PCs way more, I like the way I can maneuver around in Windows, where as in OSX I feel it's pretty constraint
I use an apple keyboard at work on my Windows 7 laptop. I use an app called "SharpKeys" to re-map some of the function keys so that they work in Windows. Maybe you could give this app a shot on your Windows side and see if you can just remap the individual keys to the Mac equivalent rather than remapping all of your shortcuts? I may have misunderstood your issue and this suggestion won't apply to you, however.
I use an apple keyboard at work on my Windows 7 laptop. I use an app called "SharpKeys" to re-map some of the function keys so that they work in Windows. Maybe you could give this app a shot on your Windows side and see if you can just remap the individual keys to the Mac equivalent rather than remapping all of your shortcuts? I may have misunderstood your issue and this suggestion won't apply to you, however.

Yeah that's what I did actually, I swapped the command and ctrl keys so that command works as Windows CTRL and OSX control works as the Windows key! Unfortunately though in Windows, the Windows key gets stolen by the OS most of the time and Reaper won't let me use it to it's full potential whereas under OSX I could use the control key for tons of stuff.