OT: A serious question to all the Megadeth Fans

ironmaidenfan09 said:
Seriously what has Megadeth put out that has been good since Rust In Peace? I mean Countdown to Extinction had a few decent moments but definetely a comercial sounding album, you hear Symphony of Destruction at baseball games. Other than that what have they done that is good? The new album is average at best and that Risk was garbage. I guess I just don't get it.

They need to bring back Friedman then maybe they could do another sic album

Ok, this is my opinion, so do not freak out at me!

I thought that every album - with the exception of that piece of total shit Risk - had something good to offer. Friedman is the fucking man, but he said he was not interested in playing metal. I kind of think that is BS because his first solo album after leaving Megadeth was totally killer and very metal. Anyway, I liked Countdown a lot. Everything after that got a lot more tame, but there were a few songs that really got me. The world needs a hero was ok - but there were a few songs on it I could not stand. As for the new one, I dug it for the most part. I think Mustaine's nod to Exodus in "Back in the Day" was fucking awesome as shit. When I went to see them last fall, all the boys from Exodus came out on stage during that song and everyone was singing the chorus!! Def a highlite of the night. I fucking heart Exodus.
Countdown To Extinction and Risk are my Megadeth favorites. Cryptic Writings has some very good songs too, TWNAH is pretty underrated and as for TSHF, I love the first three songs, especially Kick The Chair-one of the best Megadeth songs ever.
I never even liked Megadeth pre "countdown" albums let alone the newer ones!

I think "The System Has Failed" is one of the greatest Megadeth Albums out there. It's up there with the classics for me. I am also a pretty big fan of "The World Needs A Hero" although there are a couple weak tunes on there. And ANYONE who say sthat they need to get back Marty Friedman doesn't know shit!! HE WAS THE REASON MEGADETH WAS GETTING SHITTIER AND SHITTIER ONE ALBUM AT A TIME!! He didn't want to do Metal and it finally got to it's lowest point with RISK. After that Dave said he wanted to start doing Metal again and Marty quit. Since then the DETH albums have been getting better and better again one album at a time....
Thraxgirlie said:
whos more insane, dave, mike patton or sebastian bach?
thats a toughie...

Hmmm... Dave could be but I think it´s more of a "meaning of life"-thing and yes in the future cyborgs may be a part of life! :p

Patton is a poser, he likes to make people think he´s insane and like the fucking sheep media made us to be we follow and chant "Eat the poo, eat the green, eat the fucking jellybean".

And for Seb, it´s the drugs.
"Seriously what has Megadeth put out that has been good since Rust In Peace? I mean Countdown to Extinction had a few decent moments but definetely a comercial sounding album, you hear Symphony of Destruction at baseball games. Other than that what have they done that is good? The new album is average at best and that Risk was garbage. I guess I just don't get it. "

Countdown to Extinction, Youthanasia and Cryptic Writings, all of which had some of Marty's best work. Then Risk, which I actually liked, and the new disc is great.