OT Black Album Live!

Not a fuckin chance! How can you compare those to the Black Album? And i'm saying this based on the songs, structure, writing, signatures, etc. - i.e. objective criteria:

Creeping Death has a tempo of like 220 bpm, powered by d-beat drums and shred solos! Where on the Black Album do they have such a similar formula? Shortest Straw?! Dude that's like 270 bpm! Also d-beats. I'm curious where the hell you here any similarity between this and TBA?! Fade to Black has instrumental choruses! One is almost 10 minutes. etc. etc.

There's also a massive difference in production... bass heavy

TBA is an album of simple song structures (generally intro, verse, chorus, verse, chorus, mid section, (verse,) chorus,) and slow groove tempos. Where's the staccato palm muting in TBA?

some people are weird :err:

Check the BPM for Through the Never please. Holier than Thou has staccato picking but check the BPM for that and Struggle too. Heavy downpicking for those songs like on previous albums, check on that while you're at it. Sad but True, heavy groove muck like The thing that should not Be is it not?

Tell me why they enjoy playing the old and new shit equally then if they sold out?

You guy are trend followers. You guys have become the things you hate, trend followers, Metallica bashing trend followers hahahahahaha. How does it feel?

Oh and BTW, there are more people in this world that think I'm right than think you're right, so I guess we are all wierd hey?
The guy s a total moron plain and simple. The black album has absolutely no similarities to anything Metallica had ever done before it.

... And Justice of All was a heavy metal masterpiece, it was heavy, technical, fast, extremely complex and well executed.

The Black album was not heavy, not fast, not complex, and was a total commercial joke. How stompmosher can honestly listen to that album and think it is similar in any way shape or form to anything before it is beyond me. I know the guy is a moron but even with that being said I don't know what he is thinking
AJFA is not particularly technical nor is it complex. It's got long songs, so it must be progressive right? Not really no.

If you honestly can't hear the similarities at all then I don't know what to tell ya. It was there since MoP. They were always going for a heavier sound more akin to straight up heavy metal, they just went all out (more or less) on the black album.
You know, for such a praised "thrash" album, MoP really contains very little thrash.

Songs like 'Harvester of Sorrow', 'For Whom the Bell Tolls' and 'The Thing That Should Not Be' would feel right at home on the Black album.
Listen to 'Harvester of Sorrow' next to 'Through the Never' and tell me that doesn't sound similar. Or try 'The Thing...' next to 'The God That Failed', or 'Leper Messiah' next to 'Holier Than Thou'...
Sure, the songs are overall more stripped-down, but Metallica never really wrote very complex compositions in the first place.

I for one don't mind the black album and I don't view it as a "sell-out". I think it's got several things that work, several that don't, just like any other Metallica album in my mind. But I also don't view their pre-1991 output as "masterpieces" in any shape or form.
Check the BPM for Through the Never please. Holier than Thou has staccato picking but check the BPM for that and Struggle too. Heavy downpicking for those songs like on previous albums, check on that while you're at it. Sad but True, heavy groove muck like The thing that should not Be is it not?

Tell me why they enjoy playing the old and new shit equally then if they sold out?

You guy are trend followers. You guys have become the things you hate, trend followers, Metallica bashing trend followers hahahahahaha. How does it feel?

Oh and BTW, there are more people in this world that think I'm right than think you're right, so I guess we are all wierd hey?


It feels good, thx.

"More people in this world that think you're right" :lol: LMFAO! what kind of fucking childish logic is that!? most people in this world think that britney spears is better than Anthrax. 'most people' are a bunch of dimwitted fucks.
I imagine things would be different if they didn't have such a ginormous fanbase and funding behind them.

Imagine? They would be trying so hard to impress, playing cover albums in their 'spare time' looking for extra cash,playing small clubs, keep on talking about the good ol'days when there was this band who helped them by lending them a freezer, trying all sorts of stunts like recording old songs with new style or getting involve with online poker games or even starting a side business like green tea or maybe ends up opening for a band from their own era who was luckier and ends up bigger...
AJFA is not particularly technical nor is it complex. It's got long songs, so it must be progressive right? Not really no.

If you honestly can't hear the similarities at all then I don't know what to tell ya. It was there since MoP. They were always going for a heavier sound more akin to straight up heavy metal, they just went all out (more or less) on the black album.
You know, for such a praised "thrash" album, MoP really contains very little thrash.

Songs like 'Harvester of Sorrow', 'For Whom the Bell Tolls' and 'The Thing That Should Not Be' would feel right at home on the Black album.
Listen to 'Harvester of Sorrow' next to 'Through the Never' and tell me that doesn't sound similar. Or try 'The Thing...' next to 'The God That Failed', or 'Leper Messiah' next to 'Holier Than Thou'...
Sure, the songs are overall more stripped-down, but Metallica never really wrote very complex compositions in the first place.

I for one don't mind the black album and I don't view it as a "sell-out". I think it's got several things that work, several that don't, just like any other Metallica album in my mind. But I also don't view their pre-1991 output as "masterpieces" in any shape or form.

I think the problem here is what constitutes 'difference' - the concept of difference is relative.

I.e. for the untrained ear (untrained that is unfamiliar with heavy metal and rock), say an old man of 80 years. He can't tell the difference between Slipknot and At the Gates...it's all "just noise" to him. There's drums, bass guitars and loud screaming vocals, and for him, this similarity means they're all grouped under one concept - noise. For him, this type of music is so detached from his Pins n Needles et al., that it's all the same - in gains in definition according to his own context of sameness. How many people have you heard describe all metal as just noise. Now, when I listen to heavy metal (I only enjoy metal and classical) I here a completely different scape. The thing coming out the speakers is the same but we make different sense of it as I am learned in the genre and the old man is not. He misses the intricacies which comprise the music. I listen to almost all metal from Sabbath to Dark Funeral and Mayhem to Killswitch... I listen to music very theoretically, name the scale and mode that is being used when I hear a solo and riff, and so on. I identify certain patterns in the music which are germaine to certain genres across the ages - 'the genealogy of metal'.

Yes the Black Album has similarities to the earlier albums, but it depends what your criteria for determining difference is. Generally they occupy the same spectrum of music. It's the same four people as AJFA so of course it's gonna sound 'the same' to some degree. Risk sounds more like Peace Sells than it does Madonna Ray of Light... doesn't mean Risk sounds like Peace Sells, it depends on the context of comparison.

But the deeper you go, the more different it sounds. The only song that you list that I could possibly imagine POSSIBLy fitting on the Black Album is Bells...and that's being lenient. It would sound different. Would Jason have come up with that lead bass line? Pretty doubtful. It would have been different.

The Black Album generally is a stripped down Metallica, and I'm qouting Hetfield here in A Year and a Half in the LIfe of Metallica. He said the style changed, before it was about getting as many riffs as possible to work in a song, now [tBa - 1991] it was about using like 3 core but derivative riffs per song. That's what bands do when they want to grow bigger. I don't think they had any idea that the album would be so big. I think they also released the right album at the right time.
Imagine? They would be trying so hard to impress, playing cover albums in their 'spare time' looking for extra cash,playing small clubs, keep on talking about the good ol'days when there was this band who helped them by lending them a freezer, trying all sorts of stunts like recording old songs with new style or getting involve with online poker games or even starting a side business like green tea or maybe ends up opening for a band from their own era who was luckier and ends up bigger...

Come on don't be an asshole.

It feels good, thx.

"More people in this world that think you're right" :lol: LMFAO! what kind of fucking childish logic is that!? most people in this world think that britney spears is better than Anthrax. 'most people' are a bunch of dimwitted fucks.

I'll rephrase that, more agree with me than don't. You're entitled to you opinion. I hate Britney Spears but to call people dimwitted fucks because they like it is immature lol..........they like it and that's that. If Bill Gates liked Britney, would he be a dimwitted fuck?
I'll rephrase that, more agree with me than don't.

False. Most pre- black album Metallica fans, the die hard ones gave up on this band a long time ago. They are not even around to answser your stupid hypothetical poll question.

You think the Black album is "The perfect metal album" and I am here to tell you that you are a fucking moron
False. Most pre- black album Metallica fans, the die hard ones gave up on this band a long time ago. They are not even around to answser your stupid hypothetical poll question.

You think the Black album is "The perfect metal album" and I am here to tell you that you are a fucking moron

Really? You always fail to answer what Metallica gets equal reception from the old and new stuff. I guess that's because you cant. You are way too quick to write off people you see as "die hard" I'd say a "die hard" sticks with them and grows with them. I guess you failed to grow up then with that attitude.

You call me a moron yet you are only a "die hard fan" if you like the 1st 4 albums only LOL.

I always say that Ride The Lightning was the first "commercial" and "sellout" album because it had a ballad (Fade To Black) and songs like Escape, which would very well fit on Load album... and I will always say that Black album IS their masterpiece (and I got into Metallica with MoP/RTL)...just my 50Cent(s).
I always say that Ride The Lightning was the first "commercial" and "sellout" album because it had a ballad (Fade To Black) and songs like Escape, which would very well fit on Load album... and I will always say that Black album IS their masterpiece (and I got into Metallica with MoP/RTL)...just my 50Cent(s).

This is spot on, although I think they never sold out, the finger pointing did start at that time.
Come on don't be an asshole.

Sounded cruel? Yes. Its stone cold truth. Besides..I'm talking about POISON.

and trying to get back on track

...RTL is unique due to FTBlack..and it made an impact, not sure bout other 'troo thrash' metal bands, but for Metallica they continued writing something similar songs ,Sanitarium..then One..the jack-pot . What we hear in the Black Album is still very much Metallica, they continued the formula, they do the math & they find it right to include 2 slower songs.

My only complaint about the album is the opener. If the album kikcs off with other songs & Sandman is located 3rd or 4th then the so called ol'skool fan would not be crying so hard till today. Sheesh...get over it man.
Really? You always fail to answer what Metallica gets equal reception from the old and new stuff. I guess that's because you cant. You are way too quick to write off people you see as "die hard" I'd say a "die hard" sticks with them and grows with them. I guess you failed to grow up then with that attitude.

You call me a moron yet you are only a "die hard fan" if you like the 1st 4 albums only LOL.


Metallica gets equal reception because when they sold out with the more commercial Black album it brought them 10 times the amount of fans than they had before that album came out. That album appealed to mainstream rock fans. The same fans tat listened to whatever was popular on MTV also listened to the black album and ended up becoming fans and going to their shows.

If you are a thrash metal fan the odds you will love the Black album is minimal. If you are a rock fan that just goes with the flow you'll like it.

I happen to be a thrash metal fan and that is why I liked pre Black album metallica. They changed dramatically... not me.

Bob Rock took Metallica and turned them into a money making machine. There were corporate sell outs. Would I do the same thing? Probably if it meant I could make music and become a multi millionaire. However as a fan I despise it

Now they have millions and millions of dollars and act like they can just do whatever they want because they don't give a fuck. Well believe me if they didn't have millions and millions they wouldn't be doing albums with orchestras, lou reed, and playing shows with Limp Bizkit and Linkin Park.
You said it yourself, they don't give a fuck. That means they didn't sell out. Blackie Lawless from WASP said it best "I was now coming to a point in my life where instead of going on impulse, I would now stop and say: “who am I right now at this moment”? This was very important because I had fallen into the trap of making records based on who and what the Band was suppose to be and not who I was growing into. A lot of artists, especially in the Metal World, are scared to death to try and evolve because they think their fans will abandon them"
You said it yourself, they don't give a fuck. That means they didn't sell out. Blackie Lawless from WASP said it best "I was now coming to a point in my life where instead of going on impulse, I would now stop and say: “who am I right now at this moment”? This was very important because I had fallen into the trap of making records based on who and what the Band was suppose to be and not who I was growing into. A lot of artists, especially in the Metal World, are scared to death to try and evolve because they think their fans will abandon them"

They don't give a fuck now because they are already multi millionaires.

Evolving = Selling out, in most cases.

If they were going to 'evolve' they could have done that by still playing thrash metal and going more extreme, not by writing commercial rock radio garbage.

I don't know how playing less technical material, simpler songs, etc can be considered 'evolving'
They don't give a fuck now because they are already multi millionaires.

Evolving = Selling out, in most cases.

If they were going to 'evolve' they could have done that by still playing thrash metal and going more extreme, not by writing commercial rock radio garbage.

I don't know how playing less technical material, simpler songs, etc can be considered 'evolving'

How many times do I have to say they were never a full on thrash band anyway? Kill em all is the closest. Let look and the thrash percentages. Take RTL. Fight Fire and Trapped under ice, 2 out of 8 that/s 25%. Puppets album, Battery, Heroes, Damage 'Inc. 3 out of 8 thats around 35%. Justice album. Blackened and Dyers Eve. 2 out of 9. 22.5 % So I guess they sold out on RTL then as has been mentioned. The rest is just metal. The Black album is metal, simplified but metal. If you don't understand eveolving then you have a problem. Evolving is changing one way or another. Pity Slayer never evolved, they are were scared of losing there fans so the stuck to the succsessful formula. That's selling out. :lol: BTW the world magnetic tour had Machine Head as support for a lot of it. Fear Factory in Melbourne. Slayer at the most recent festival gigs in Europe. Metallica choose who they want no matter who that is. So What eh? When you saw Metallica on the Load tour was it Lollapalooza? Only 2 Load songs played from that album and you still wanted to Kill yourself. I guess there is no pleasing you then.
Anyway Kirky, this was a topic dedicated to peole that may like what I like. I don't care or mind if you dont but why post in here at all when we all know your stance on the matter other than to cause shit? I makes you look bad. Although I don't feel bullied you come across that way and I 've seeN it over and over. Why so angry with the world?