OT: Guess the artist/song


ha ha!
Jan 12, 2004
I was making a post on the Circus Maximus forum, when I was suddenly struck by an incredibly rubbish idea for a post, but humour me: I'm fed up with reading jo-jo's fifty topics about "do you like <insert band/genre/icecream here>".

So the point of this topic is sort of like a now-playing thread, but instead of writing the artist/song, you have to find a picture of each. Whoever guesses the name gets to post the next set of images, which should ideally be cryptic and devious unlike the ones I am about to post.

  • Do not post one unless you have guessed one, even if it's so brilliant it hurts.
  • Do not include the name of the thing in the image (unless you are being insidious and hiding things in plain view, in which case I salute you)
  • In the event of a tie and both people simultaneously post new images, you may not post a new one until both are figured out.
  • If you can't think of one you can defer to someone else, or leave it open to whoever posts one first.
  • If a new set of images isn't posted by the "winner" within half an hour, it's open to whoever posts one first.
  • If it's really difficult, you can invoke the Steve Vai wildcard for words like "of", "for", "the" and "and".
  • Don't post "I don't know lol". No one cares. Go get a job or something.
  • Don't post an incredibly witty (or otherwise) story that vaguely relates to the images. Again, no one cares.

Here's an easy one to get started:


EDIT: P.S. If you go to image properties and look at the name of the image, you're a dirty cheat.

EDIT 2: Rules added
Damn! I thought no one would be able to get that!

Your turn Beelzebub. Go for something super obscure ;)
Words like "the", "and", "it", etc. should be excluded. Is there some degree of kvltness that should be adhered to? This one is easy. I thought of a nice hard one that no one would ever get but I figured we could start easy and take it from there.




As for kvltness, well not really. The harder the better I suppose.

P.S. Luis - you can only post one when you guess one correctly

but Shadow Gallery - Crystalline Dream

(doesn't count since it was Beelzebub's turn)

Queensryche - Walk in the Shadows :tickled:

thought it was some sort of moose-person at first.




Time Requiem - Watching The Tower Of Skies?



Oddly nothing to do with religion. If you don't get this, I hate you.
ptah knemu said:
.......Wow. This thread is gonna kick the shit out of me.
Think of it as an opportunity to broaden your musical horizons ;)

Oops - ignore mine - I forgot Luis posted about five. In fact, next person has to guess all open ones :p

EDIT: -deleted: I got it because I saw the 2nd image name before it was an image-
Kazahana, what I mean is that this will use up all of my thinking power, which leaves none left for school. If I can't think in school, I won't pass. If I don't pass, I have to kick the shit out of myself.
So I'm just gonna look through the thread, and look at the pretty pictures, and probably make jokes where they're called for.