OT: In Flames - Come Clarity


Dec 6, 2001
In a Zone
I know we're still debating best album of 2005, but I snagged an advance copy of In Flames' "Come Clarity" due out in February, and I gotta say it should be considered an early favorite for best album of 2006. I've only listened to it twice so far, so I can't say how it will stand the test of time, but some strong heavy shit on this album, and easily their best album since 2000's Clayman. This album pretty much kicks your ass from the intro and doesn't let up until the the end (the last track is kind of a mellow instrumental, wouldn't have been missed if they'd left it off, but it's the only blemish I've heard on an otherwise solid effort).

I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a good slab of new metal.
No, but (o/t) I just got my review copy of Sodoms DVD! 5 hours of Teutonic thrash!

I love my reviewing sideline *grins*!
im ganna get the cd..i heard soundtrack to your escape and rerout to remain and i loved those...can anybody send me clayman?
In flames were the first metal band I ever liked. Teh dvd is good but only if you like the newer material,but yeah they rock on the performance(s). great cover of fucking hostile aswel on there....However I saw them live in november and they were really shit,just so half assed.

Oh and by the way guys i got the overkill live dvd today
Clayman is awesome and one of my fave cds of all time if nobody has heard it, however nowadays I think Colony is the best In Flames cd, like a mixture of the old and new sound. I have downloaded come clarity and I have been trying not to listen to it too much cause it would ruin it when I buy it, the song with the chick singing is actually pretty badass. Best thing since clayman...

Ah and by the way the dvd is pretty cool, they actually play about half of jester race on there somewhere I believe which is badass. Not enough colony or clayman shit though and like the whole soundtrack to your escape album!
nah man they only play 2 songs from the jester race,although when they do bust out artifacts of the black rain its fucking badass!
jester race is my favourite in flames cd fucking amazin folk tinged death!! Erm about the dvd, (im not too good at answering these types of questions) I think its kind of like alive2 but maybe with more cuts...sorry no im useless, anyway its enjoyable just a rubbish set
clayman is my fave album, just has too many songs i like on it, i dont think theres one in flames album i like the whole way through normally end up skipping something or other........oh i love their cover of everything counts, thats awesome........ they are coming to london in march, so defo gonna go along and see them again, esp as its at the forum, and esp as sepultura are supporting...would much much rather see seps headling that one, but it will do ;) andreas rules \m/