Fuck yeah my In Flames is back Come to Clarity leaked!!!


You'll Be in Hell With ME
Nov 23, 2002
Posted on another board....

i´m listenning right now and i like it 100% better than STYE less modern and nu ( hell yeah), better guitar work, screams and clean vocals, here we have a review
and solos wow

Come Clarity - 86%
Written by Eleventeen on November 18th, 2005

OK, so we all know In Flames really dropped most of their Gothenburg influences, and basically went Industrial.... not to say that the change was bad, but it just wasn't really good. This album we see them more go back to their roots... sort of. The first track, Take This Life starts out with a kind of soilwork esque face paced melodic riff... the vocals are Anders newer scream... but more full sounding. The clean vocals are also noticeably improved, though nothing compared to his work with Dark Tranquillity. The drumming actually exists, it's not just the same beat the entire album through, the basswork isn't really audible, but maybe when a superior version is released it will be... until then, leaked version is what we'll go by... the guitar work is somewhat like the song Watch Them Feed off of Reroute to Remain, but better. The only major problems would be the 4th track Dead End, the girl who sings the verses is horrible, and the 5th track [title track] is far too bitchy/moany.

Take This Life
Versus Terminus

Finally this promo copy doesnt sound good but you know the cd is gonna be killer
