OT: Loomis/Broderick Shredding Duel


all hail to jeff loomis. he makes chris broderick look like a 9yr old punk - and chris is AWESOME

:worship: :worship: :worship:
All the douchebags on the Harmony Central Amps Forum are shitting all over Nevermore, complaining that Loomis and Broderick (who, ironically, occasionally posts over there) don't measure up to their 80's heroes. :rolleyes:

Nevermore is a thrash metal band. They are missing the point entirely.
Ok they're just shit compared to the mighty Marty Friedman ehehehhe
Kidding !!! :p they're awesome. When I saw Nevermore in 2003 (enemies tour) Steve couldn't play as good as Jeff when they did a duel like the one in the video. Jeff is so tight!!! is the tighteness himself.
Did he sell his soul to the devil to play like this? :p
They only lack the great phrasing that Friedman has got.

I was at that show and it was infuckingcredible!!! Jim kidnapped me after I got there and I hung out on the bus for about an hour before they went on. Chris was warming up the whole time, so I got to check his technique out first hand. He's definitely a bad ass player. Jeff killed it BIG TIME during the show. The guy didn't make one single mistake. I love this band, and they just happen to be some really cool dudes to boot.
metalkingdom said:
I was at that show and it was infuckingcredible!!! Jim kidnapped me after I got there and I hung out on the bus for about an hour before they went on. Chris was warming up the whole time, so I got to check his technique out first hand. He's definitely a bad ass player. Jeff killed it BIG TIME during the show. The guy didn't make one single mistake. I love this band, and they just happen to be some really cool dudes to boot.
:mad: :mad:

:worship: :worship:
Exocaster said:
All the douchebags on the Harmony Central Amps Forum are shitting all over Nevermore, complaining that Loomis and Broderick (who, ironically, occasionally posts over there) don't measure up to their 80's heroes. :rolleyes:

Nevermore is a thrash metal band. They are missing the point entirely.

Ummm... I'd say it was about 50/50... but you go ahead and keep rolling your eyes...
Andy Sneap said:
i have a point right?? I mean thats cheating isnt it?
When you can shred like that, you can do whatever the fuck you want. Besides, I've had to shorten up my strap a little bit due to recurring wrist problems. So I'd rather be able to play pain free than look "cool."